Friday, January 30, 2009
Oh boy is all I can say. Tay got two of her three dance costumes last night. So far so good... they fit and they look really cute on her. Tierney came out of class last night crying... it was terrible. She did not get a pink costume instead she got lime green. You would have thought someone died she was crying so hard and said it was so ugly and to throw in in the trash. Of course she said this all to her teacher. The other moms in her class said they'd trade their daughter's costumes with her but none of them had pink... it appears only one girl (who is quite tall) got a pink one. We were able to bribe her with McDonald's and convinced her that green was cool as it is Hannah's favorite color and her dad has a green car. She did end up trying it on last night and Tay and I over emphasized how cute she looks in it. So we will see if she will wear it when it comes time. We have pictures in March so we shall see. She is a princess!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
It is amazing how excited the girls get about mine and Marshall's birthdays. Tierney told her teacher yesterday it was my birthday and Tay's friend Hannah called to wish me a happy birthday. The girls made cards and with the help of their dad got me flowers. They wanted to make me cupcakes but we got home to late from going out to eat. So they are trying to convince me that they should do that today. (funny they must have forgotten that I don't like cake or cupcakes) They wanted to tell the waitress at dinner that it was my birthday but I drew the line there I am feeling much to old to be sang to at a restaurant! Maybe for their dad's birthday.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Tierney informed us last night that we trashed her bed. We had washed her sheets and she is a pack rat at night. She sleeps with all three of her build a bears, at least twenty webkinz, her blanket, and a pile of books. With all that stuff you'd think she wouldn't miss anything well if one animal is missing or a book it is tragic. Anyway when Marshall put her new sheets on her bed he left all of her stuff on her rug. Well that did not make her very happy last night. She kept informing us that her bed was trashed and we trashed it. Actually you could lay in it and it never looked so good but guess what it has every last thing back in it!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Tay's Blanket
Monday, January 19, 2009
Wow! One minute I was sitting at my desk and heard the girls in the bathroom talking. Tierney always tells Tay what is on her mind especially things that are going on at school. Tierney was telling Tay about some boy that supposedly wants to marry her and she doesn't want to marry him and Tay was walking her through how to handle it. It was so cute I called Marshall in and we were listening to them. Then a few minutes later they are yelling at each other and Tierney broke something of Tay's and then Tay threw a towel at Tay. Of course Tierney comes out crying telling us that Tay threw the towel at her and that they were yelling at each other. Crazy how one second they are best friends and the next they are screaming at each other!
Monday, January 12, 2009
We have really been struggling with getting Tierney to eat better. She likes to snack like her mom and not eat meals. Tonight I had made soup and was trying to get her to eat it. She informed me it tasted like slop and she wasn't going to eat it. Geez... I'm quite sure she has never had slop!
Do I look like a boy or a girl?
Tierney asked Marshall and I that today. She said she thinks she looks like a boy because her hair is short. She is so funny. She wants to have long hair like Tay so we can braid it but when she cut it that has not helped especially on the sides in the front. We assured her she still looks like a girl!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Christmas Pictures

Girl Scouts
Yesterday we took the Girl Scouts to Build A Bear and ice skating. Tierney was lucky enough to go (sometimes it isn't so bad being the little sister you get to do what the big girls do). The girls ice skated first. Tay loved ice skating and was a natural. She makes me nervous and had no fear. She now has a blister on her toe but said it was worth it. Then we went to Build A Bear. The girls had a blast. We could have been there all day. Tay and Tierney had a hard time choosing things I think they could have left with about ten outfits each. Tierney was talking this morning about what clothes and accessories she is getting next time. And of course we had to hit the carousel for Tierney on the way out. It was a really nice day!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Tay met me at the door today with a note from her teacher. Her ELP teacher had given her the results of her ITBS testing for science, math, and reading and she scored in the ninety-eighth percentile in each of those areas! We are so proud of her!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Who is going to marry me?
This is a question Tierney has been asking us. I am not sure about that girl. She is boy crazy. She talks about her boyfriend... I think she does that to get a rise out of us but why on earth is she talking about who will marry her. Tay shakes her head (she isn't real into boys yet... thank goodness). I think we have our hands full with our little sweetie!
Where did the time go?
It is hard to believe that Christmas and Christmas Vacation are over. Unfortunately I had to go back to work this morning. It was very hard to get up this morning and go. Tay's school ended up getting cancelled so she had another day off (good thing that happened after I went to work otherwise I would have had to take another day). We had such a nice vacation. We got to spend a lot of time together just the four of us which doesn't happen a lot and had several days where we didn't have to do any running which was nice. Today Tay slept in until eleven... she even went to bed at a decent time. They already have a late start tomorrow so hopefully she will get to bed early and be ready to go. She says she isn't ready to go back and I know Tierney is going to miss having her gone all day again.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
It's not any fun....
without Taylor. This is according to Tierney. Tay is spending the night at Hannah's tonight and Tierney is missing her. They have played so well together over Christmas break and Tierney looks up to Taylor. Marshall and I have been playing with her but she keeps informing us that it's not any fun without Taylor. It is so sweet that she looks up to her so much.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Tierney asked us today if we were "just hanging out" and I said yes that's why we are staying in our pj's. She then announced that "we are hanging out like hangers". Oh she is something. She comes up with the silliest things to make us laugh!
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