Monday, October 17, 2011

Fall Fun

In the pumpkin patch.

Duck Races

Giant checkers

On the wagon ride.

On top of the tires.

Tierney buried in the corn box.

Tay pushing Tierney and Ethin in the Rolly Polly.

Trying to find our way around the corn maze.

On Saturday Thea and I took Tay, Tierney, and Ethin to Pinters. They had a ton of fall activities for the kids. Tay even admitted it was a lot more fun than she thought it was going to be. They had giant checkers, tick tack toad (as Tierney calls it), wagon ride, giant corn box, giant slides, big four wheel bikes, a bouncy thing, corn maze, water duck races, and a lot more. I think they were all pretty tired afterwards!

Hawks Volleyball

Last weekend we took Tay's Girl Scout troop to the Hawkeye Volleyball game. Several of the girls in her troop play volleyball and had a lot of fun at the game. Tay even caught a Hawks Volleyball Shirt that one of the cheerleaders threw into the crowd!

This is what our 12 year old looks like....

Taylor did not want a birthday party again this year. So we had one of her favorite suppers, celebrated, and then went to a volleyball game. Right above is her with Roscoe in his new Hawks Jersey on her birthday. We did celebrate her birthday, Ethin's, and Aunt Megan's a couple of weeks ago and then Hailey and Uncle Nate had presents for her the same weekend. I guess you are old when you don't want a birthday party anymore. Oh and did I mention that she can stop growing anyday!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Oh Tierney...

I just have to share some funny things Tierney said the last couple of days. We have been trying to find tennis shoes for her that she likes. Well she really doesn't enjoy shopping and is very paticular about what she will and will not wear. We had gone all over the mall and didn't find anything so I thought we'd look online. So I had it narrowed down to two pairs and this is what I was told: "we don't buy that kind... puma" and "you don't trust me in white". Oh boy I'm not sure where she comes up with these things. We did find a pair of gray and purple ones lets hope she likes them when they arrive next week!

Then this morning we were getting ready for her school pictures and I was fixing her hair. Well when I was done she looked in the mirror and then said "people don't wear their hair like that anymore". Hmm needless to say we had to re-do it!