Monday, June 30, 2008
So Miss Tierney broke in the Journey tonight. I had a really LONG day at work today so I decided the girls and I would go out to eat so I wouldn't have to cook. Well when we left the restaurant I had just opened the car door and was handing Tay my purse and Tierney announces "I puked". Well sure enough she had puked on the floor of the Journey. At least it was on the floor and not all over the seats. When we got home I noticed that most of it was on the floor mat... thank goodness! I think I got it all cleaned up but we will see if Marshall thinks I got it all.
We went to Adventureland with Marshall's family this weekend. Tay brought her friend Hannah (who Tierney just loves). The girls had a blast riding all of the rides. Tierney wasn't scared of any of them... we were worried that she would be scared but she would have riden a roller coaster if she would have been tall enough. It was crazy. She even rode the raging river. Hannah had no fear of any of the rides and got Tay to ride a couple that I don't think she would have gone on. Adventureland opened a waterpark this year but it was pretty chilly and windy so we didn't get to try it out. We told the girls that we will have to go again next year to try it out.
Tierney and Marshall swimming (Tierney couldn't get enough of the water)
Tay, Hannah, and Tierney getting ready to leave for Adventureland
Cousin Evie and Tierney in the tea cups
Cousin Ethin swimming at the pool
Tierney and Evie got along so well and had a great time riding the rides together.
Cousin Evie, Tierney, Hannah, Cousin Ethin, Tay, and Cousin Ben at Adventureland
Tierney, Evie, and Grandma Ann on the covered wagon ride
Ethin and Tierney coloring at Grandma Thea and Grandpa Lewie's the day before Adventureland
Tierney playing at grandma and grandpa's
Friday, June 27, 2008
One, Two, Three....
So Tierney has been a pistol today, like most days! She wouldn't come in the house after their library program so I started to count when I was getting to two she got off of her trike (that she was riding around in the garage by the Journey, I'm sure just to get under my skin) and stands up with one hand on her hip and the other hand pointing at me and said one.... two.... three... mom you are naughty and can't go to Adventureland tomorrow. Geez she had such a naughty face on and her tone of voice it is hard not to laugh... with her you will either laugh or be banging your head against a wall because if she doesn't want to do something she won't. At least she didn't swear at me!!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Well it didn't rain tonight so the girls had their last softball game! They won the game so they ended the season with only one loss!! Tay was catcher and the ball hit her in the chest which shook her up a little but she was able to finish. They had a really good season and I know Tay really enjoyed herself.
Taylor finished swimming lessons for the summer this morning! We had to force her to go and then like most things she ended up loving every minute of it. Today they spent half of the time jumping off of the diving boards which she loves. She has decided that she is going to take the test next week when we go to the pool to see if she can go off the diving boards during pool hours. If she passes she can go off the high dive which makes me very nervous! Tierney actually sat and watched her today which was nice... normally she wants to be over at the swings and no one gets to watch Tay because the swings are to far away. Right now we are hoping it doesn't rain so Tay can have her ballgame tonight. It is also supposed to be the last night of softball. It is hard to believe that it is the end of June already!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Tierney gave us quite a scare last night at Tay's ballgame. I was helping on first base and Grandpa Lewie was keeping an eye on Tierney. Well all of a sudden one of the moms has Tierney in her arms and is calling for me... I was thinking oh she must of had an accident and didn't want to ask grandpa to take her to the bathroom until I heard Tay screaming for me. Well Tierney was running and ran into the cement wall and cut her head. She had blood everywhere... it was horrible and of course Lewie and I are the worst two to be there since we are not the most calm people in an emergency when it pertains to the girls. It turns out that all is well. We took her to the emergency room and the cut was very small... it is hard to believe since there was blood all over her head, hands, and dress. They were able to use some glue stuff to put it together since she would have only need one or two stitches and thought this would be better than poking her. On the way there she looked at her hands and asked what the red stuff was... it was horrible but on the way back she was worried about her pretty yellow dress having blood on it! They were very fast getting us in and out at the hospital we were back at the game just as it was ending and Tay got a hit to second for her sister while we were gone and the girls won the game "for Tierney" as they were saying. Tierney didn't sleep the best last night and we woke her up to take tylenol so she would have a terrible headache today and I kept waking her up to make sure she was okay. Today she has been very needy and wants us by her but otherwise is doing well thank goodness!!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Go Fish
Well Marshall and Tay have been telling me that Tierney has expanded her vocabulary to include dam* it. I was thinking that they were not understanding her right. Well I was just signing some notes for work and Tierney and Grandma Ann are playing go fish in the other room and Tierney asked Grandma for a card and Grandma didn't have then plain as day I hear Tierney say dam* it. Of course Grandma just went on playing... I'm not sure she understood her but oh boy we are going to have to correct that before school starts!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
More from Tay
Tay caught the biggest fish! Tierney caught the most fish. Marshall got stung by a catfish. Tierney & Hailey went on a boat ride.
Father's Day
Helping Papa open his present (Tierney, Hailey, Tay)
Papa and Tay showing off Tay's big catch
We went to Papa's for Father's Day. Tierney picked out new barbie fishing poles for her and Hailey. Tay also got a new fishing pole but hers turned out to be junk (as she would say). The barbie ones caught the most fish! All of the girls had a good time and it was a beautiful day!
Well our little princess thinks that her name should be Helga. At breakfast today she told us that she is not Tierney Perkins and her name is Helga. The girls love to play American Gladiators. Oh and Tierney is mad that Tay has her hair braided because only she should have her hair braided since she is Helga and Helga has braided hair! Gotta love her determination!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Grandma visit
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Summer at last!!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Always Something...
The past twenty-four hours have been crazy! I got home from work yesterday to find Taylor coughing like crazy. They had been at the park all day in the damp weather and her asthma was all flared up. So I knew no one would get much sleep since her coughing keeps us all up. When I finally got them both settled down and sleeping and got to sleep myself Tierney woke up crying that her ear hurt. Well Marshall and I spent most the night up with her. She was in pain and Tylenol wasn't working. So this morning Tay was sure she had to go to school for their talent show and because she has a ballgame tonight. She looks terrible with bags under her eyes but hey they only have today and tomorrow left of school so who am I to argue with her. I then call the doctor who can't get Tierney in until 1:30 so I decide I would work at home this morning. Then I come to find out I left the paperwork I needed at the office so I had to go in anyway and then meet Marshall halfway so I can take Tierney to the doctor who now seems fine. Well she has double ear infection. Both of her tubes are no longer doing any good. Her right ear is really bad. I am hoping we won't have to do the tubes again since she had trouble with the anesthesia after her tonsils and adenoids came out... but I am afraid this is not a good sign. Needless to say it has been a very LONG twenty-four hours and we have a ballgame still tonight plus work is very crazy right now! I am hoping tonight will go much better we should have two doses of antibiotic in Tierney and hopefully can get a nebulizer done for Tay with some cough syrup so we can all sleep tonight!!
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