Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Well Miss Tierney was up crying last night saying her ear hurt. That always seems to happen at night when no doctor's office is open. So I gave her some Tylenol and she slept with me. This morning she appeared to be fine and we sent her to school. We had a meeting at her school this morning and when we picked her up she was complaining about the same ear hurting. Did I mention the girls and I are supposed to be leaving with dad this afternoon to go see great grandma. So I got her into the doctor and both ears are infected... again. Then the pharmacy didn't have the script that was prescribed so we had to have something else called in because no one in town had it. She has to go back after she is done with the antibiotic to see what is going on with her ears and then we will most likely be looking at tubes again. Ughh... I keep thinking things at home and work will settle down eventually but it seems like I have been saying that forever!! Oh well at least it is fairly minor but I dread putting her under again. Poor girl!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Hollar Family Birthday Party
Today we had my parents, brother, Beth, and Hailey over to celebrate Tay's birthday. Tay really had a good time. Nate, Beth, and Hailey got her Super Mario Cart for the Wii and it was killing her to wait to play it (Marshall told her she had to wait until he was done watching the football game to play). Mom and Dad also got her a box of steaks... her favorite so I'm sure we will be grilling some next weekend. I'm sure we would have tonight if I hadn't already had supper in the croc pot. Marshall is now playing flag football (one of his friends asked him to play... kinda funny since he is a tad out of shape... Nate was telling him that he would be puking behind the bleachers before it is over so we will see). The girls and I were going to go watch but Tay decided we needed to stay home so she could play her new Wii game. I am so tired from the crazy week and weekend... it went by so fast. When Marshall gets home we are going to eat together and then I am going to curl up on the couch with my new magazine and wait for the season premiere of Desperate Housewives!
Saturday Night
As if we didn't have a crazy enough weekend... my cousin also got married on Saturday (mind you after our Girl Scout meeting we had soccer, then went home and opened Tay's birthday presents, and then took a rest before getting ready for the wedding reception). Above is a picture of my not so little girls anymore all ready to go to the reception and the bottom one is of Tierney throwoing the flower petals before the bride and groom arrived at the reception (she thought she was big stuff doing that). Tay helped pour drinks at the wedding and then her cousin Olivia game to the reception and Tay was very excited to play with her... it was both of their birthdays and the dj announced it was their birthdays and played the happy birthday song for them. We all had a nice time but were pretty tired by the end of the day (good thing we all took naps).
Girl Scouts
We had our first Girl Scout meeting as a new troop on Saturday (after the sleepover) and all went well. We had five girls and may have one more. The girls earned two badges and began working on a third. Above Lena is helping Tay and Rachel tye dye their shirts that we made. The girls seemed to have a good time and had some good ideas of things that they want to do this year. The hour and half flew by!
Homecoming and Sleepovers
Well our weekend started off on Friday with getting Tay and three of her friends from school. Marshall had gone to lunch with Tay on Friday and warned me everyone was pretty excited due to the homecoming activities. All went well. We took the girls to the homecoming game... we lost the game and the girls were disappointed. Ethin and Meg also came over and went to the game with us. The girls were up until almost midnight talking and laughing and then up by 7:30 on Saturday morning. Marshall and I were pretty tired by Saturday morning! I think everyone had a good time.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Wow Tay had a great day at school today. This week is homecoming and the third grade had a competition to see which class could bring the most food in to donate to the food bank. Well Tay's class not only brought the most items in the third grade but they also brought the most items in the elementary! Their reward was to throw a pie in their teacher's face. She thought that was pretty funny. She also brought treats for her birthday and got a balloon from their class' partner in ed. Marshall went to lunch with her (which she thinks was awesome). Tierney and I are going to go a different day... neither of us like brats so we didn't go today. She also passed her timed test for math and is now in the math club!! She now has three friends over to spend the night and we are all going to go to the football game tonight.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Tay's (Perkins Family) Party
We had Tay's birthday party with Marshall's family on Sunday. It was really nice. Marshall's brother and his family from Milwaukee were able to make it. On Saturday we celebrated Ethin's birthday so we had a busy weekend. It was nice to see everyone. Tierney cannot wait for her party but did very well when Ethin and Tay opened their presents. I was very proud of her!
Our poor Tierney needs to be more aggressive. I keep thinking that she is our strong willed child but don't understand why at times she will not stand up for herself. She is so much more outspoken then Tay and tells us what she wants, when, how, and right this second so I thought she would stand up for herself more than her older sister. (Tay is so agreeable and doesn't like to make waves and Tierney I think enjoys causing us stress). Today when Marshall went to pick Tierney up from school she was in the castle with three boys playing and one of them had pushed her and she was crying. She didn't do anything but cry... she didn't tell the teacher or push him back or scream (things she does all the time at home). So we were talking about it today and I have been trying to encourage her to tell the teacher if someone pushes her but for some crazy reason she is telling me "no". I just don't understand her mind!
Worse News
Dad called yesterday and told me that my great grandmother got her test results and she does have cancer. It sounds like it is in her lungs but they don't know how far it has spread. My grandma went up yesterday so hopefully we will know more soon. I haven't told Tay yet.... she took it pretty hard when I told her she wasn't doing well and she knows that when someone has cancer it is not a good thing. I figure I will wait until we find more out so please keep her in your prayers.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Not such a big girl?
Well Miss Tierney has now informed us that she needs her step stool back from the basement because she is to small! I guess she isn't as big as she thought?!
This week
This week has seemed so crazy... I haven't had much time to sit and type. Tay started volleyball on Monday and she loves it. Then we came home and watched the Eagles lose. Oh yes and in the past week Tay's friend Hannah's mom and I have decided to start up a Girl Scout troop. Both of our girls weren't going to join this year but have decided to since we decided to start a troop. So Tuesday the girls and I ran to Waterloo to pick up books. Tay is so excited. Then Wednesday Tierney had gymnastics but we had a message on the machine asking that parents not stay and watch. I am not real thrilled about leaving my three year old with someone I don't know but I don't really have a choice. Tierney loves it so I guess I have to deal. After that Lena (Hannah's mom) and I met to plan our first meeting. I think we have come up with some good ideas for the troop... hopefully everyone else thinks so! Last night we had dance. On the way we met a UPS truck and Tierney informed me that those truck have broken doors (since they always have their door open). It was quite funny. The girls have a dance Christmas program this year that they are preparing for. I am debating about taking the girls to the football game tonight... it would be nice to stay home and relax (and I need to clean for Tay's party with Marshall's family on Sunday) but we haven't been to a game yet so we will see what happens. Tomorrow we have soccer, a wedding, and then Ethin's birthday party. Marshall is helping dad cater tomorrow so I'm not sure if he will make it to any of those things. His work has been slow and they have laid some people off... some permanently and others just voluntary a week at a time. I am very stressed about that. He keeps telling me I shouldn't worry because it won't change anything but I can't help it. My job is at least getting a little less stressful... we have hired two new people one started Monday and the other one starts next Monday. I am hoping we can get them trained quickly so the rest of us can breathe a little. We have a survey due in March so we really need to work on making sure things are ready to go for that.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Tay's Birthday Party
Tay and her friend Macy had a birthday together today at the Super 8. There were a total of twenty kids. I think they all had a lot of fun. Tierney especially had a lot of fun swimming. She got plenty of attention. Tay did a great job including Tierney and has been letting her play with all of her new things. Tay is really becoming more mature for the most part when playing with Tierney and including her. We have two more family parties to go and the weekend of Tay's actual birthday is homecoming so Marshall took off work and Tay is going to have some girls spend the night. She has a busy month!
I'm a big girl
Marshall was helping Tierney in the bathroom while I was doing Tay's hair and he comes out with her Dora step stool and informs me that Tierney said she doesn't need it anymore. I was shocked. He said she informed him that he could put it in the basement because she is a "big girl" and doesn't need it anymore. It was very shocking especially since there are many days that Tierney tells us that she is still little (like when she wants a sippy cup or to lay in bed with us). She is right that she is getting bigger but she can't even turn the water on in the bathroom with the step stool (she can't quite reach). Oh well we will go with it and put the stool in the basement and see if she changes her mind in a few weeks.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Bad News
My dad called and my great grandmother is pretty sick. He said that they thought she had pneumonia but now they are thinking she has cancer. She goes to the doctor this week to talk about doing a biopsy but dad said with her age it would be hard on her just to do that. So keep her in your prayers.
Hard Time...
Tierney informed me that she had a hard time at school on Thursday. When I asked why she informed me that they had a fire drill and she had to go outside in the rain (it was lightly misting) without a coat on and she was shivering and shivering.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Tierney started gymnastics tonight and absolutely loved it. You can tell she doesn't have all of the coordination that some of the other kids do but she did pretty well for her first time. They even did the balance beam which she did very well at and keeps telling Tay and I that she didn't fall off. I think she is pretty proud of herself. She also keeps telling us that they are going to teach her how to do the splits. We haven't figured out why she is so focused on that but it is pretty cute to hear her talk about it!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Garage Sale
Well Meg and I had our first garage sale today. I was up at six on my day off to do it... what is wrong with me? Marshall, Meg, and I priced things last night and had the sale today. It was an experience! I told Marshall I'm not sure if I will do it again. There was a rocking horse we were going to sell but every time someone was looking at it Tierney would edge her way over to it and start rocking on it. Meg and I were dying. I finally asked her if she wanted to keep it and of course she said yes in her small voice with a pouty face. So it is now in my living room (the point was to get rid of stuff). Another funny of the day is that Meg and I both had lava lamps for sale. Tay was not happy that I was selling mine well it sold pretty quick this morning. So Tay was eyeing Meg's and every time someone was looking at it she had a worried look on her face. She finally asked me if I would buy it and I said she would have to. Well she then had to run in the house and get money (of course her dad gave her some) and then she bartered with Meg and got it for one dollar. That is now also plugged in and running in the living room. Gotta love it! Other than those couple of things the girls did really well with selling stuff. I'm tired now and looking forward to our first Sunday of the NFL season tomorrow. We are going to the motorcycle parade in a little while. Oh yes, and Tay started Fall soccer today and seemed to enjoy it! I am so ready for fall!!
Above is a picture of Desmond entertaining Ethin and Tierney during part of the garage sale. The girls always have so much fun with Desmond and Ethin.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Dance and the Polka Dot Dress
Tierney was so excited for dance tonight. She was so happy to get there and she her friends that she hadn't seen all summer. She is now saying how tired she is... she has had a busy day with school and dance. Hannah is riding with us and the girls just love it. We are looking forward to a fun year of dance. They have a Christmas recital this year which will be really fun for the girls!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
More good news
When Tierney and I were standing outside of Tay's room today (waiting to pick her up) I heard her teacher say that three students should be told congratulations. I heard Tay's name called but couldn't hear what she was being congratulated for due to the noise in the hall. Well as soon as she came out she told me that she made it passed her addition timed test! I was worried about her getting through it (I am the worrier in the family and it drives Marshall nuts). She was so proud of herself and has a lot more confidence in her math skills which is good because now we are onto the subtraction one. We will be practicing like crazy for the next few days!
On another note... Miss Tierney is so excited to go back to school tomorrow. She was hoping she could go today. She can't wait to see her friends and go to the library (Thursdays are her class' library day, a favorite of hers). She is also extra excited since dance starts tomorrow and Tay's friend Hannah will be riding with us. She had to go give Hannah a big hug at school today and then told me that we get to pick Hannah up from school tomorrow. Oh yes, and how can I forget she told me tonight that she is no longer a little kid... she is now a medium kid. She just cracks me up. The other good news is that it is much cooler and Tierney is excited to wear the dress that we got her for her first day tomorrow so hopefully Marshall remembers to take some pictures of her in it tomorrow!
On another note... Miss Tierney is so excited to go back to school tomorrow. She was hoping she could go today. She can't wait to see her friends and go to the library (Thursdays are her class' library day, a favorite of hers). She is also extra excited since dance starts tomorrow and Tay's friend Hannah will be riding with us. She had to go give Hannah a big hug at school today and then told me that we get to pick Hannah up from school tomorrow. Oh yes, and how can I forget she told me tonight that she is no longer a little kid... she is now a medium kid. She just cracks me up. The other good news is that it is much cooler and Tierney is excited to wear the dress that we got her for her first day tomorrow so hopefully Marshall remembers to take some pictures of her in it tomorrow!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Tay's news
Tay just told me some exciting news. She is going to go to ELP another day. Right now she goes for reading two days and the day she is adding is for math. Marshall and I are surprised since we thought that wasn't one of her best subjects. She just doesn't seem real interested in it. We are both excited and she seems to be too so hopefully she will take a little more interest in math. I have turned into my mother making her do flash cards every night... man I hated that as a kid but it sure does help. Tay sure makes us so proud!
First Day of Preschool
Today my baby started her first day of preschool.... she did go half of last year but this is her first whole year. She seems so small (she couldn't even reach the hook to hang up her bag). She was so excited this morning. I got up early to make her muffins for her first day and she came downstairs shortly after I got up and was talking about her first day. We had ordered her a pretty dress to wear... Tierney had picked it out. The sleeves were supposed to be 3/4 but when it came it was long sleeves on her... She is so petite. So she settled on the skirt with a short sleeved shirt. She looked so grown up but so small. She even helped a little boy right away turn on the water to wash his hands. She is such a sweetie. Last year she struggled when it was time to go home when they were playing outside so this morning Marshall and I were talking to her about coming home nice. Well I had a meeting and only got to go with to take her to school so Marshall was on his own to pick her up. As soon as I got home tonight she told me that she left nice. She called me a work today and told me all about her project... she was so proud of herself. It is so hard to believe that she is almost four!
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