Thursday, October 9, 2008

Flu Already??

What a night it has been! I picked Tay and Hannah up from school to take all the girls to dance. Tierney was not real pleased with going since she left early last week since she wasn't feeling well but I forced her to go. Tay only had ten minutes left of class and came out saying she didn't feel well so I took her into the restroom and she ended up getting sick. Which about made me sick when I was cleaning it up. That is one job I rely on Marshall for because I cannot handle it. So I had her go lay down in the car which was directly in front of the door and was mean and forced Tierney to go to her class crying. I was worried that if I let her come home that next week would be more difficult. She loves dance so much and I would hate for one bad experience to ruin her love for it. Well her teacher came out a few minutes after class began and told me that she was fine. I am hoping Tay does have the flu and we can be done with it for the year (I am crossing my fingers)! And hoping Tierney doesn't get it!

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