Tay, Evie, Ethin, Tierney with their finished animals.

Tay with her dog Daisy.

Tierney with her dog Rachel.

Tierney giving her dog a bath!

Tay, Ethin, Evie waiting while Tierney is getting her animal stuffed.

Tierney stuffing her dog.

Evie, Tay, Ethin, Tierney, Ben at Chuckee Cheese

Tierney on one of the rides at Chuckee Cheese.

Tay playing a game.

Tierney and Cousin Evie
The girls and I went with Marshall's parents, sister, and Ethin to Madison on Saturday. We met Marshall's brother's family there to celebrate Evie's birthday. The kids really had a good time. We went to Chuckee Cheese and then to Build A Bear.
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