Tierney, Tay, Ethin having a snack at the pool
Here are some pictures from the pool today. Meg and I took the girls and Ethin swimming in Charles City. Tay was upset about going there at first since she didn't think any of her friends would be there. She ended up running into one of her friends from dance so all was well. She didn't like that they only had two diving boards and New Hampton has more but she survived. Meg and I liked it since there was more room for Ethin and Tierney to play without having to be right on top of them. We decided that we are going to make Fridays our swimming afternoon with the kids since Marshall and Desmond are both working.
The very sad news is that when we got home Tay and I discovered that Miss Tierney's fish died. Tay's died earlier this week. They nagged us to get more fish and they both died within a week. On the way to the pool Tay was hitting me up for a puppy. Not sure how that would work since we can't even keep fish alive! So I texted Marshall and told him we have to break the bad news to Tierney in the morning. I didn't think I could do it tonight since she has had a busy day without a nap... I just didn't think I could deal with that tonight since I am quite sure it is not going to go over well!
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