Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Two more days...
Until Tierney's month. She announced this tonight to Tay and I when we were eating. She is so excited for her birthday and can hardly stand to wait! She wants me to get her invitations done and sent out. She is even telling us what she wants to eat and who should be invited. Oh and what all of us have to wear since we are supposed to dress fancy. It is so cute!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
We carved pumpkins with the girls tonight. They started with wanting to carve five of the ones we have but Marshall got the tops off of three of them and they decided it was a lot of work getting the insides out. So they ended up doing three of them, drawing on two of them, and the rest get to stay outside for decoration with our gourds. I was happy about not cutting into all of them so we can enjoy them until Thanksgiving! They even got to watch Charlie Brown tonight so I think they had a good evening.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Well I think Miss Tierney has a touch of something. She hasn't been feeling well all day and has been saying her stomach hurts. The poor girl can't get a break from not feeling well. Marshall thought she wasn't feeling well earlier this week by the way she's been acting and she has been sleeping a lot longer at a time. Yesterday she was the last one up which never happens. We took it easy this weekend which was nice. Marshall helped my dad all day yesterday so the girls and I hung out (as Tierney would say), watched a movie, and made cookies. It was really nice spending the day with them without having to run all over!
Friday, October 24, 2008
The remote
Someone has taught Tierney how to use the remote for the television and it is scary. She thinks she runs the show now. She will carry the remote with her and change it to stations that she thinks are cool. For example she will look for Cartoon Network and watch whatever is on it just because it's on Cartoon Network. It is driving her father crazy. It makes me laugh at how sure of herself she is and how she won't set the remote down because someone else might take it!
Corn Maze
We took our first Girl Scout trip this week. The girls game over on Tuesday and finished their shirts and then we took them to the corn maze by Cresco. We were able to find all of the flags (after going back through to find the number two flag). I think the girls had a good time. Afterwards we had hot chocolate and made smores over the fire. Tierney was mad that she didn't go to the corn maze but I can't imagine having her in there!
School Pictures
What a week. I haven't had much time to sit down and type or put any pictures on the website this week. It has been crazy! I am hoping next week will be much better. We are now done with volleyball, soccer, and gymnastics. The girls want to go watch a different gymnastics in Sumner and I'm thinking we won't do that for a couple of weeks so we can have some time to relax! Tay is also asking about starting piano lessons now that we have Marshall's grandmother's piano but I am going to try to hold her off until after Christmas since we will be starting all of our Christmas parties and stuff in a few weeks! So we shall see.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
After our train ride we went to Grandma Thea's and Grandpa Lewie's to pick pumpkins and celebrate Meg's birthday. All day Tierney only wanted the little pumpkins... I'm not sure how we are going to carve those. And of course Tay wanted the biggest ones. We have a ton of pumpkins now. It should be fun carving all of those!
Train Ride
We went to Boone yesterday with Nate, Beth, and Hailey to go on a train ride to a pumpkin patch. The girls really enjoyed the ride. It was a little chilly on the train but it was a nice time. Last night they were asking when we could go again. Tay thought it was really cool when we were on a bridge 150 feet in the air.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
More crying...
Once again Tierney did not want to go to preschool this morning. Luckily it wasn't as bad as Tuesday and she got there on time. Then at dance tonight she was clinging to me and started to cry when I left her. Apparently she was still crying after I left the room but stopped once she found out it was her turn to be one of the line leaders. When you are a line leader at dance you get to wear a fancy skirt! I was talking to another mom at dance who said her daughter went through a phase where she cried every time they left her (the entire year of preschool). I am hoping that this will pass much quicker than that but we will see. I'm glad that she likes her family so well but I always feel so bad when she doesn't want to stay or go places. Tuesday is the next time we have to leave her somewhere and that would be for school and it is picture day so lets hope we don't cry that day or our pictures won't be real great!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
What an afternoon...
Right before we were getting ready to go to gymnastics I was finishing dictating a tape that I had worked on for the majority of my afternoon. Well I messed up and went back to erase part of it and do that part over... and realized that at some point the batteries in the recorder had died and I lost a couple of hours of work. Just lovely as I am very stressed with work right now and trying to get it under control!
We then get to gymnastics and my delightful little Tierney decides that she is not going to participate. First she is hiding behind the chair and then moves to my lap. After a lot of talking to her and another little girl asking her to come and sit by her did she finally join in. At first she was willing to go home rather than participate. I just do not understand that child sometimes!
We then get to gymnastics and my delightful little Tierney decides that she is not going to participate. First she is hiding behind the chair and then moves to my lap. After a lot of talking to her and another little girl asking her to come and sit by her did she finally join in. At first she was willing to go home rather than participate. I just do not understand that child sometimes!
Phone calls...
I have gotten several phone calls this week while I'm at work from Miss Tierney. Monday she called crying and screaming that I needed to come home and "take good care of her". Yesterday I was called because she didn't want to go to school. She said she was tired and going back to bed. Marshall ended up forcing her to go (crying) and had to stay at school with her for the first ten minutes. We always joke at work about what kind of call I will get next. I am not sure what to do with her lately. She has been very clingy and not wanting to go anywhere or do anything!
Finger Update
Well I finally talked Marshall into calling the doctor to get the results of his x-rays and he has a fracture in his finger. Which is good news since he won't have to have surgery. He has to wear the brace for a few weeks and go back in Monday to have it looked at again. It is still hurting but not as bad so that is good news also.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Fall Soccer
Marshall started playing flag football on Sundays a couple of weeks ago. Yesterday they had two games and in between games he came home. Apparently he injured his finger during the first game. His finger is now purple and very swollen. Well it must have been hurting pretty bad because he called the doctor right away at eight this morning and then went in. Well they wrapped it and sent him in for x-rays. They said it could be broken or he could have popped some blood vessels and if that is the case he will need surgery. We won't get the results until tomorrow. He is such a dork... I just got off the phone with him and he is telling me how painful it is yet in the next sentence says if he can't mess it up anymore he is still going to play on Sunday. What is wrong with him??? Oh and if they do surgery it won't be for awhile because the swelling has to go down first. He always has the strangest stuff happen to him... who would have thought from a game of flag football?
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Lets just say Tay is a tad cranky today. I know she feels better but I think she is just feeling run down. Well I had told her she needed to get dressed and of course Tierney had to try to tell her to do what I said. That never goes well with Tay so she grumped at Tierney who then says Taylor has an "attitude today". Oh my I shouldn't laugh but it was pretty darn cute!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Our little puppy
Ear Update and Tay Update
I took Tierney to the doctor this morning. They looked at her ears and all of the fluid is gone!! So we are going to cross our fingers and hope she doesn't get any more ear infections. If she does we will do tubes but for now we are going to hold off! They also took another urine sample and her bladder infection is gone. They said that she may now be used to going more frequently and that may be the reason she is going so much. We are keeping the appointment with the urologist for now that isn't scheduled until next Friday so if the first part of next week is better we will go ahead and cancel the appointment. So we had very good news today and she seems much happier now the doctor told her she is all better (mom and dad must not know enough to believe them).
As for Tay she hasn't gotten sick again and had some muffins an hour ago and so far so good (that is the first she has eaten since last night). She thinks we are being mean to her by making her only eat a little at a time and not letting her eat whatever she wants but to bad! She also has some color back in her face so that is good news!
As for Tay she hasn't gotten sick again and had some muffins an hour ago and so far so good (that is the first she has eaten since last night). She thinks we are being mean to her by making her only eat a little at a time and not letting her eat whatever she wants but to bad! She also has some color back in her face so that is good news!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Flu Already??
What a night it has been! I picked Tay and Hannah up from school to take all the girls to dance. Tierney was not real pleased with going since she left early last week since she wasn't feeling well but I forced her to go. Tay only had ten minutes left of class and came out saying she didn't feel well so I took her into the restroom and she ended up getting sick. Which about made me sick when I was cleaning it up. That is one job I rely on Marshall for because I cannot handle it. So I had her go lay down in the car which was directly in front of the door and was mean and forced Tierney to go to her class crying. I was worried that if I let her come home that next week would be more difficult. She loves dance so much and I would hate for one bad experience to ruin her love for it. Well her teacher came out a few minutes after class began and told me that she was fine. I am hoping Tay does have the flu and we can be done with it for the year (I am crossing my fingers)! And hoping Tierney doesn't get it!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Miss Tierney
Our little Tierney is getting so big. She brought home a dalmation that she made and colored at school yesterday. She did such a good job making the black spots. Tay even commented on how good it looked. Well I didn't get to hanging it on the fridge until today and I noticed that she had written her name on the back. It wasn't perfect but I could identify all of the letters except for the y. Wow it is hard to beleive that she can write her name already!! She even told me "I did it all by myself"!
On another note today she seems to be feeling much better. The doctor is making a referral to the urologist because she still seems to be going to the bathroom a lot more than before and we just want to be on the safe side. We also take her back to have her ears looked at again on Friday and will decide if we want to pursue another set of tubes or not. I am hoping they look a lot better so keep your fingers crossed!
On another note today she seems to be feeling much better. The doctor is making a referral to the urologist because she still seems to be going to the bathroom a lot more than before and we just want to be on the safe side. We also take her back to have her ears looked at again on Friday and will decide if we want to pursue another set of tubes or not. I am hoping they look a lot better so keep your fingers crossed!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Still sick...
So I jinxed us. Tierney has had a rough afternoon and evening again. She has been going to the bathroom every ten to fifteen minutes. I called the doctor and if it continues she is going go see a urologist. I have to call back tomorrow if it doesn't get any better. We also go back Friday to see how her ears look to see if they are going to recommend tubes again. I feel so bad for her.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Tierney seems to be feeling much better today! She has been very hyper. It is nice to see that she is feeling better. She informed me this afternoon that she hadn't had any chocolate yet today and needed some! The things that she comes up with surprises me more and more everyday!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
"I didn't Know"
Oh my, Miss Tierney has been a bear today. You can tell she doesn't feel well. We were supposed to go to a wedding but I decided to stay home with her so she could rest. Especially since I am sure all of our running doesn't help with her recovery. We sent Marshall and Tay to help my dad cater tonight. When they left I finally was able to get her to take a nap. She only slept an hour and then cried for quite awhile after she got up. I needed to go to the store to get a few things and was debating about waiting for Marshall to get home and then go or just get it over with. Well Tierney wanted some cookies and we didn't have any so she told me to go to the store and leave her home alone since she didn't want to go. I had to remind her I would go to jail if I did that and she finally agreed to go. She actually did pretty well at the store. Well when we got home and I was bringing the groceries in she told me "I didn't know I could go to the store when I'm sick". Geez that made me feel real good. I had to confess to her that she really shouldn't and that she only had to go because her dad was gone. The things she thinks of!
On another note she can now tell us how to spell her name and can spell the word home to us. She isn't quite able to write all of the letters in the words but is close. I'm pretty impressed!
On another note she can now tell us how to spell her name and can spell the word home to us. She isn't quite able to write all of the letters in the words but is close. I'm pretty impressed!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Tierney went to the doctor this morning and sure enough she has a bladder infection. The poor girl. She is now on another antibiotic... I couldn't believe she can be on two at the same time but apparently you can. She seems so tired but hopefully this will kick in quickly and she will start feeling more like herself again!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
My poor Tierney has had a rough week. She has been going the bathroom constantly. It is insane. She was saying she had to go quite a bit on our drive to and from Minnesota but I thought she just was wanting out of her carseat. Well I was wrong... at preschool today she went eight times in two and a half hours. So I called the doctor again and we have been writing down everytime she goes and it has been a lot. She has an appointment tomorrow morning. I'm not sure what they will do if it's an infection since she is alreay on antibiotics. She came out of dance halfway through tonight crying because she had to go to bathroom and then wouldn't go back in so we came home early (but still had to go to Tay's Volleyball recognition night). I feel so bad for her and she keeps telling me to take good care of her.
The nights are getting long again. I think I am overly tired and very stressed. We are training two new people at work plus trying to get all of the other stuff done so I am very overwhelmed at work. Missing two days of work this week probably hasn't helped with that feeling either. My house is chaos right now and I am feeling very unorganized at home. I just need a weekend or two where we have absolutely nothing going on.... hmm that probably won't happen until Christmas Vacation!!
The nights are getting long again. I think I am overly tired and very stressed. We are training two new people at work plus trying to get all of the other stuff done so I am very overwhelmed at work. Missing two days of work this week probably hasn't helped with that feeling either. My house is chaos right now and I am feeling very unorganized at home. I just need a weekend or two where we have absolutely nothing going on.... hmm that probably won't happen until Christmas Vacation!!
Great Grandma
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