Well we survived our first family camping trip! The girls had a blast. Tierney said her favorite part was the sleeping in the tent. Tay's favorite was that we didn't have to use port a potties (she thinks like her mom). The girls got to spend a lot of time playing with Hailey which was nice. Hailey and Tierney even got along really well for as much time as they spent together. It was nice to spend some quality time together without the distractions we have at home. I even said I would go again. The first night Nate and I didn't get much sleep. A dog was digging through our garbage and it was freezing! But last night was much better. We had to be home by nine this morning since Marshall had a football draft. The girls and I have already showered and they are sorting through the movies so we can have a pajama day and relax! I do want to get the rest of my lettering on the walls when Marshall gets home but we will have to see how ambitious I am by then.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Preschool, life, and camping
Well we went and met Tierney's new helper at school today. Tierney was very quiet and hardly said anything the whole time we were there. She did speak up and say that she wants to bring treats for Valentine's Day (thank goodness since they both have fall birthdays and Tay is signed up for Halloween treats... I should have some new treat ideas by February). I think she is excited to go back but a little unsure about having a new helper. She has a much smaller class this year than last (ten fewer children) so that should be good.
On another note I think the evenings are getting hard again. Tierney for some reason hasn't been wanting to sleep in her bed and she is so grumpy at night. She screams and screams about the simplest things. I have resorted to sitting her on the counter so she can't throw anything until she calms down (good thing she can't get down from there). They have been extra hard on me. I think part of it is that Tay is in school all day and she is home all day playing by herself. She is so used to getting all of the attention and doesn't care to share it at night. I am hoping that things will be better once she starts school next week and a lot of their activities start next week also so that should be good. If that doesn't work I am not sure what I am going to do. Tay does a great job trying to help out but it is still hard.
On the positive side we are going to go camping with my brother, Beth, and Hailey this weekend. I know some of you are probably laughing out loud about that. I am not much of a camper but Nate and Beth asked us to go and I think the girls will like it. So we are going to give it a try. Actually the girls are really excited and are getting their things ready. I am trying to figure out how to bring their bikes since I think that would be nice for them to have but we will see. It isn't supposed to be hot so that is a good thing. We shall see... so look for pictures to come of our adventure!
On another note I think the evenings are getting hard again. Tierney for some reason hasn't been wanting to sleep in her bed and she is so grumpy at night. She screams and screams about the simplest things. I have resorted to sitting her on the counter so she can't throw anything until she calms down (good thing she can't get down from there). They have been extra hard on me. I think part of it is that Tay is in school all day and she is home all day playing by herself. She is so used to getting all of the attention and doesn't care to share it at night. I am hoping that things will be better once she starts school next week and a lot of their activities start next week also so that should be good. If that doesn't work I am not sure what I am going to do. Tay does a great job trying to help out but it is still hard.
On the positive side we are going to go camping with my brother, Beth, and Hailey this weekend. I know some of you are probably laughing out loud about that. I am not much of a camper but Nate and Beth asked us to go and I think the girls will like it. So we are going to give it a try. Actually the girls are really excited and are getting their things ready. I am trying to figure out how to bring their bikes since I think that would be nice for them to have but we will see. It isn't supposed to be hot so that is a good thing. We shall see... so look for pictures to come of our adventure!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
I cannot believe some of the things that our children tell us. Tonight I took Tay to get some of her party invitations delivered. On the way to one of her friends' house she asked me if she should just put it in their mailbox if they weren't home. Well I explained that you can't mess with people's mail or mailboxes because it was a federal offense and you could go to prison. She tells me or I'd have to go to juvy.... I was stunned and looked at her and she informed me well you know that's prison for kids. Of course I had to ask where the heck she would have heard that and she told me a girl in her class told her about it. Why on earth or third graders talking about juvy?? I do not think I am ready for what is ahead of me with our little girls.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Why do the weekends always go by so fast? I think it is even worse now that school has started. It was such a beautiful weekend weather wise. We didn't have anything planned for once so we actually were able to stay home and enjoy it. Saturday we played outside. Tay, Tierney, and Marshall played softball and then Tay and Marshall worked on hitting the volleyball since that starts in a couple of weeks. Today I was even able to get a nap in while the girls painted! I have still been battling a cold or sinus infection (if I'd suck it up and get into the doctor I'd know which one it is) so it was nice to have a mellow weekend. Above are some pictures of the girls playing ball and drawing (one of Tay's favorite things to do).
The girls are both looking forward to tomorrow since Grandma Thea and Grandma Ann get to watch them extra long since I have a shower to go to after work. It is probably Grandma Ann's last Monday to come over since she gets her carpet in this week and should be able to move back home. The girls are going to miss seeing her so frequently. It is funny Tierney always relates things to her. For example when we went to pick Tay up from her friend Marcy's house yesterday Tierney asked if Marcy had a dad and I said yes that everyone has a dad. Well then Tierney had to say not Grandma Ann. Then I had to explain how her dad was in heaven. It is funny because she always uses her as an example now that she has been able to spend a lot of extra time with her.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Routines, Balance, and Tierney
Well we have three days done of this school year and I am struggling with getting all of us in a routine again. It is hard to get everyone home, fed, showered, and in bed on time so we aren't unbearable the next day. I think this has been the worst year so far... I'm guessing it is because I was home all summer and got off my regular schedule and I am still struggling with getting back into that routine. Tay is at least taking a little more independence with getting her clothes picked out but still wants my help with shoes... this morning I forgot to lay out shoes and got a call at work (what's wrong with me for forgetting that!). Tay is also into accessories this year which takes longer. Next week is our first full week and the only week we have before all of our activities start which will be even more important for us to be in a routine. We got our fridge last night so Tierney and I went to get groceries so we can cook again... I think that will help some!
Oh yes and Tay is already spending the night at a friends house. Tierney and I picked them up after school and then they went to the friends' house around five. It is hard to let her spend the night somewhere because it seems like we don't get a ton of time together. But I will get her in the morning so we can have all day tomorrow as a family. It is hard to balance all of that so we can all spend time together especially with Marshall's work schedule. We are all counting down for football season (Marshall gets the NFL season ticket and super fan packages) so that is our excuse to stay home together all season at least on Sundays.
With Tay being gone that left Tierney and I to have so quality time together. She keeps saying "just me and you are hanging out". We had to eat with our pinkies up at supper so we were fancy like Fancy Nancy. She is still freaking out about anything that flies. We have a fly in the house (since she left the back door open) and she was crying that and running to hide because she thought there was a wasp in the house. At least she didn't say she wouldn't go outside today so hopefully in a week or so we will be over being afraid of flying bugs. She has also reported that she needs to sleep with me tonight since Tay is gone and she can't sleep all by herself in her room (Marshall will love that when he gets home).
Oh yes and Tay is already spending the night at a friends house. Tierney and I picked them up after school and then they went to the friends' house around five. It is hard to let her spend the night somewhere because it seems like we don't get a ton of time together. But I will get her in the morning so we can have all day tomorrow as a family. It is hard to balance all of that so we can all spend time together especially with Marshall's work schedule. We are all counting down for football season (Marshall gets the NFL season ticket and super fan packages) so that is our excuse to stay home together all season at least on Sundays.
With Tay being gone that left Tierney and I to have so quality time together. She keeps saying "just me and you are hanging out". We had to eat with our pinkies up at supper so we were fancy like Fancy Nancy. She is still freaking out about anything that flies. We have a fly in the house (since she left the back door open) and she was crying that and running to hide because she thought there was a wasp in the house. At least she didn't say she wouldn't go outside today so hopefully in a week or so we will be over being afraid of flying bugs. She has also reported that she needs to sleep with me tonight since Tay is gone and she can't sleep all by herself in her room (Marshall will love that when he gets home).
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
First Day of 3rd Grade
It is hard to believe that summer is over. Tay started her first day of third grade today. She got the teacher she wanted. She said the day went "great". She has several of her friends in her class. She said the best part of her day was recess. Oh yes and they had chicken nuggets for lunch which is a favorite. I think Tierney was lonely without her today. She was very excited to go and pick her up. I am in disbelief that we have a third grader already!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Poor Tierney... I was on the porch washing windows so I could move our furniture back there and Tay offered to help wash the front door window so I opened the door for her to do that. Well then miss Tierney thought she should also help. As she was patiently standing behind Tay she started screaming hysterically... at first I thought she got Windex in her eyes but then quickly realized she got stung twice by some wasps outside. I feel terrible. She is much better now but a fly was in the house and she started screaming and ran to her room... I think she thought it was a wasp. She has now told me that she isn't going to go outside again. The poor girl is terrified now and all she was trying to do was help out.
Well the fridge we ordered is back ordered and now the loaner fridge is not working real well... lets put it this way we have to put the stuff that would go in the fridge in the freezer part. So we now have some stuff in that freezer and the rest of the fridge stuff in a cooler. It is wonderful! Hopefully our fridge will be in by the end of the week. If not I think I will go crazy. Tierney was laughing this morning and asked if I saw that her purple cup was in the freezer (not sure she gets that the fridge part isn't working)... it was pretty funny.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
It started with corn....
Tierney getting ready to wash the bikes
Dad called this morning when we were in the middle of putting a second coat of paint on the front porch. I had this crazy idea on Friday to get the porch and living room both painted. I must have been crazy because now it is Sunday evening and my house is all torn up and I still have more to paint. Anyway dad said the sweet corn was ready to be done. So we finished the porch and headed over. Well we worked on sweet corn. Then Tay and dad went to pick apples and then we made apple butter. Then while they were gone Tierney thought she should wash the bikes at Nana's house. When Tay got back they decided to wash the dog and even got uncle Nate to help them since the dog hates baths and he is too big for the girls to hang onto (it was quite funny Tierney was chasing the dog with the hose while Tay had Baxter on a leash and he was pulling Tay around the yard). Then Hailey came over and the girls cleaned the tubs out that we had corn in which turned into Hailey into her underwear and Tierney into the only swimsuit at Nana's house since they were both soaked. Needless to say I couldn't put any pictures with Hailey on the site due to her only being in her underwear. The girls really had a fun time.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Monday, August 11, 2008
Can anything ever go smoothly? I woke up yesterday morning and went to get Tierney some milk.... well when I poured it there was ice in the milk. So I started checking out the fridge and noticed many other items were slightly frozen. I then decided to get Marshall up who was sure that the fridge door was left open over night but turned the fridge temperature up. Needless to say last night things were freezing more. Marshall's dad came to the conclusion that we most likely have a freon leak and would be better off purchasing a new fridge. We went fridge shopping today and of course the one I want they don't have in stock and can't get it until Thursday. Luckily they are being nice enough to bring us a fridge to borrow until then. So now the house is all tore up so they can deliver the loaner fridge and take the old one. I am trying to be positive but everything will be tore up again on Thursday when they have to switch them again. I also feel like work is chaotic.... we got moved back into our office and are trying to get things in their places but since then one of the girls has left so now we have her work to also do until we get someone hired (oh and we haven't even started interviewing). And school starts a week from Wednesday. I am feeling very overwhelmed at home and work!
Friday, August 8, 2008
It is amazing to watch the girls. Tay is so good with Tierney and so understanding. Not all of the time but the past two days it has been great watching them. I never had a sister so it is a bond that I am not used to seeing. Tay had a birthday party last night and the mom had asked if I would help drive the girls since they were going to Sumner to go out for pizza and to a movie. I had agreed with the condition that I would have to bring Tierney since Marshall would be working. Of course that was fine with them and all of Tay's friends are so nice to Tierney. Tay watched over her so well yesterday at the party even with her friends around. She let Tierney give the present and be completely involved in everything. It was so nice to see... I can't even explain it. Then today I took them school shopping (I have been putting this trip off because it always seems like so much work). To my surprise it went very well. Tay helped Tierney pick out clothes and shoes. They got along so well and didn't argue once. It was the easiest shopping trip that I have had with them by myself. It was such a nice afternoon with them. They are both growing so fast. I remember when I was pregnant with Tierney and many people told me that since there was such an age difference that they would never play together or be close. I know they have plenty of times when they fight but I do think they will be close even as they grow older.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
A couple of weeks ago we went to my grandma's house to see my cousins' kids Kaitlynn and Jade. I forgot my camera since we were in a hurry getting over there. Thankfully my cousin Katie sent these pictures. The girls only get to see Kaitlynn a couple of times a year at the most since she lives in Florida. Tay looks forward to her visit every year and it never seems like she is here long enough. She tried getting in our car to come home with us this year. They always have so much fun together. All the girls played dress up in my grandmothers' old dresses and had a blast. When it cooled off they went outside to climb trees and pick things out of grandma and grandpa's garden. As you can see Tierney's favorite are the apples. She has loved apples ever since her cousin Ethin shared his with her!
Monday, August 4, 2008
I have had such a migrane since last night and it is finally going away. I was up quite a bit last night with that and then Marshall was up because he has been having severe pain under his ribs. Of course it is on his left side which makes me paranoid especially since he is already on blood pressure medication. I knew it was bad when he had me call to get him into the doctor right away today. Well they did some more blood work and checked out his heart. The doctor thinks his heart looks could but is going to send whatever they did to a cardiologist to be sure. They are thinking it is a pinched nerve. But on the way home he was in so much pain he had to pull off the road. Of course I didn't go along because I wouldn't have been in any better shape to drive this morning. He is now on a muscle relaxer to see if that helps. He actually called into work which never happens so I know he is in a lot of pain. We all took a long nap this afternoon. We took the girls to the waterpark on Friday with Nate, Beth, and Hailey. We opened the place and closed it down. The girls had such a good time. Then on Saturday Marshall and Tay helped my dad with some caterings and Tierney and I got the girls' room finished (and it looks even better than I thought it would). So I think the girls were plenty tired today. Hopefully everyone will be feeling better soon!
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