Sunday, May 1, 2011

Dance 2011 Pictures

Tierney tap.

Tierney ballet.

Tay tap.

Tay ballet.

Tay jazz.

Tay GS

We had our last Girl Scout meeting for the year for Tay's troop on Monday. We took the girls go cart racing and they got to jump on some bouncy thing that was in the ground. It was colder than expected but they had a good time.

Easter Sunday

Tierney, Great Grandma Ann, Tay
Isaac, Eli, Evan, Grandma Ann, Zeke, Ethin, Tay

Hunting eggs at Grandma Thea's and Grandpa Lewie's.

Hunting eggs at Nana and Papa's.

Tierney, Tay, Hailey

Tay, Tierney

Tierney in her Easter dress.

The eggs from our hunt at home.

The girls and Roscoe with their Easter baskets.

Easter Sunday was quite busy. Tierney was up at 6:20 and we held her off for a half hour before getting Tay up. They then found eggs and their baskets. They even had time to watch one of the movies in their baskets. We then went to Nana and Papa's where they got to hunt eggs again and dye eggs and then finished the day at Grandma Thea's and Grandpa Lewie's where they had another egg hunt. Tierney insisted on wearing a dress... she even played ball at grandma and grandpa's in her dress. She had it picked out at least two weeks before Easter. We had a really nice day especially since Marshall ended up with the weekend off!

The day before Easter...

Waiting for the egg hunt to begin.
Trying to find the "golden egg".

Tierney was so excited for Easter this year. I'd have to say she was as excited for Easter as she gets for Christmas. In the morning we went to the egg hunt at the park and that night we had grandma Thea and grandpa Lewie over to dye our Easter eggs.