Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas, etc.

Ben, Tay, Evie, Tierney, Ethin
It has been a busy last week. We were supposed to go get pictures taken with the cousins on Saturday then go to Chuckee Cheese and then to Marshall's grandma's for Christmas. Well it was icy when we were supposed to leave to go to Waterloo so we ended up having Christmas with Marshall's parents on Saturday and then went to his grandma's on Sunday. Due to having to make those changes we didn't make it for pictures or to Chuckee Cheese (of course Miss Tierney was the only one who remembered we didn't go to Chuckee Cheese and had a hard time understanding why). It was a really nice weekend. We were very tired.
Then Monday the girls went to my mom's and I went wedding dress shopping with Megan and Marshall's mom. Meg found a dress and picked out the bridesmaids dresses, Tierney's flower girl dress, and Tay's junior bridesmaid dress. They are all really pretty. The girls are so excited for the wedding and want to get their dresses now. We are holding off as long as possible on their dresses in case they have a growth spurt especially since the wedding isn't until October. Tuesday the girls and I spent the day in our pj's and watched movies. It was nice to relax! Today we took down the Christmas stuff (Tierney wanted to leave it up all year). Then the girls and I went to the library and are going to rest so they can try to make the ball drop tonight!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas with Ethin

Last night we went to De Soto with Marshall's parents and sister's family. We then went back to grandma and grandpa's for the kids to play and open gifts to each other. The kids have fun playing together. Tierney and Ethin always hug goodbye and say that they will miss each other it is really funny.

Friday, December 26, 2008

American Girl

The girls are in love with their American Girl dolls that they got. They have been playing with them non-stop. Tay is planning which bedroom set she is going to buy. They want to go to Mall of America to the American Girl store in the near future. Here is a picture of Tierney with Mia and Tay with Kit.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Day

Tay soaking her feet in their new "spa factory"
Tierney soaking her feet in the "spa factory"

The girls hugging after they exchanged their gifts to each other.

The girls opening the presents they gave each other.

This morning Marshall and I were in bed waiting for the girls to wake up. Well at quarter to eight we hear Tierney tell Tay Merry Christmas and Tay tell her the same. Then they were in bed visiting about Christmas and their new American Girl dolls. Then Tay said we need to wait until eight to get up. Marshall and I were laughing it was so cute to hear their conversation. Then promptly at eight they came running into our room wishing us a Merry Christmas. They did so well this morning... each taking turns opening presents so we could see what they got and then letting us have a turn. Thea and Lewie came over for brunch and Nana and Papa came over for a late lunch. After everyone left Marshall got Tay's desk set up in her room that Nana and Papa had given her (she loves it) and it will be so nice for her to have her own desk space. It has been a really nice Christmas! We are lucky to have our families so close.

Christmas Eve

Tay with her American Girl Doll Kit
Tierney in her towel that Nana made for her.

Great Grandma Arlene and Tay

Hailey, Tierney, Tay (with the peeing baby)... it actually peed on Tierney's hair at one point. That did not go over so well since she was so tired and cranky.

Hailey, Tierney, and Tay with Nana and Papa

Tay with Uncle Nate

We went to my mom and dad's for Christmas Eve. The girls went on Tuesday night. They got to spend the night with cousin Hailey. They had a blast and were extremely tired last night. Tierney was not real good especially at church. The girls and Hailey each got homemade towels from Nana. All the girls got American Girl dolls which they were pumped about. Tierney and Hailey also got peeing babies that they thought were great. It was a really nice night. Great Grandpa Bud, Great Grandma Arlene and Grandpa Bill all came over also. Tierney fell asleep on the way home and I carried her up to bed and took her coat off... I'm not sure she moved all night. And Miss Tay got home went the bathroom and asked us to lay out the milk and cookies because she was tired and needed to go to bed. It was crazy!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Tierney has been saying the funniest words lately. For example she informed us that she did not like that big creature on the Cat in the Hat. We had watched that on Thursday night and she is talking about the cat. Then she informed me yesterday that I don't watch anything decent and I should turn the channel to cartoons. Then a week or so ago she informed us that someone in her class budged in front of her. It seems so funny for someone so small to be saying some of the things that she does.

Sunday, December 21, 2008


The girls are so excited for Christmas. Tierney has a chain that she made in school and first thing each morning she takes off one of the rings and then counts how many days are left. Tay has a countdown tree that we got when she was little that she moves each day and then of course she counts herself in case Tierney didn't get it right! Then right now as I type they are being sneaky and wrapping my present... I was told not to leave this room. It is so cute! How can you not be excited with those two!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Let it Snow!

I went Christmas shopping with mom today. When we got home the girls were helping Marshall shovel. They had a blast helping and then playing in the snow. Tierney didn't want to come in. She finally decided that she would when we told her there was a blizzard coming... she doesn't know what that means but it must have sounded convincing!

Tierney and Santa

Last night Tierney asked me "how come Santa didn't know our names". When we saw Santa earlier this week Santa asked their names and that must bother her because he should know all kids' names. So I tried explaining that that Santa was just a helper but I could tell she didn't quite buy it so we will see what the next question is that she has.

Then this morning we were talking about leaving Santa milk and cookies. Well she started crying saying Santa can't eat her cookies. Geez we went through this last year!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


I had a doctor's appointment yesterday in the crazy snow and then Tierney asked to go see Santa. Heck the girl hasn't wanted to see Santa for the past two years so I wasn't going to say no. At first she was hanging on to my hand pretty tight but Tay and I encouraged her to go up and then she went right up and informed Santa she wanted a DS (we had plenty of time to visit since the weather was bad and no one was out which was very helpful). She even let us get a picture!! Funny the difference in the girls... Santa asked if they had been keeping their room clean and Tierney says "yes" without any hesitation and Tay just sat there. She knows lying is wrong but our Tierney could care less!


Sunday was very crazy. Tierney had her school Christmas program at 1:30 and then we had to be in Charles City by 2 for the girls' Christmas dance recital. We had to run out of the program and fly to the dance recital. Tierney is above in her Christmas dress. I didn't get a great picture of her since she was either making a weird face or being cheesy. Both girls did a great job at dance and Tierney did a great job at her school program. I wish they could have been more spread out so we could have enjoyed them a little more!

Christmas at Grandpa Bud's

Cousin Heather and Tay
We had Christmas at my grandpa's on Saturday. Tierney helped hand out presents and that is all I got of pictures of the kid. She opened everything so fast. She was excited about all her new things and was out of there to play with them. Tay is above in all of her Hawkeye gear. She loves going to grandpa's because his whole basement is Hawkeyes. She had asked for a new Hawkeye jersey and got it with a hat. Then her cousin Heather got her a Hawkeye doll which is now in her room. She loves the Hawks!

Thursday, December 11, 2008


I didn't know we had to worry about a four year old snooping to find presents. Apparently Tierney is a huge snoop like her Nana. This morning Marshall went out to get Tay off to school and when he came back inside Tierney was in the kitchen holding up a DS game she had found. She proudly announced what she had. Gotta love it. Marshall scolded her then called me and said I needed to hide things better. At least it wasn't something of hers or a game that we had gotten her then she'd know for sure she was getting a DS. That girl amazes me more and more everyday!


School was let out early on Monday so Tay's Christmas concert didn't happen. She was really disappointed as she was looking forward to throwing snowballs at the audience. Well good news it turns out it is re-scheduled for the 22nd. Which means Marshall can go now. Apparently we are going to be there when the doors open (according to Tay) so she can try to hit her dad with the fake snowball!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Tierney's letter to Santa

Dear Santa,
How are your reindeer? I love Christmas! I want a DS, a DS case, the three Pet Shop DS games, and an American Girl Doll and books. I want Mario Cart for DS. Have a great Christmas!
Tierney Perkins

(can you tell she wants whatever her big sister wants)

Tay's letter to Santa

Dear Santa,
How are your reindeer? I want a Yoshi Island DS game and a American Girl doll. Also the High School Musical 3 DVD. I will leave you lots of cookies and some milk. Merry Christmas!
Your friend,
Taylor Perkins

(she even drew pictures of the milk, cookies, Christmas tree and snowman)

Monday, December 8, 2008

Tay Third Grade Picture

Here is Tay's school picture. It seems like they took forever since she was sick the day they had pictures and had to have them taken when they did re-takes. She looks so old.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Can we share the beer?

Tierney and Tay fell asleep this afternoon in the living room. I think they are both bordering getting sick. Tierney is complaining of a sore throat and they both have runny noses so I was mean and made them rest today. Well I had made some snacks in the croc pot but they were still sleeping and Marshall and I were starving so I went and got us some and some drinks. Well when I came into the living room with everything Tierney was awake and then went and sat next to Marshall. She then asked him "can we share the beer" and when he said no she started crying and said "what can I have to drink". Poor girl thought she was going to go thirsty!

Merry Christmas!

The girls and I went shopping yesterday with Ethin and Megan. We saw a side of Tierney that I haven't seen before. She was telling people Merry Christmas, giving people fives, telling them that she is four and she is going to have her number five and number six birthday at the Super 8, holding the door for people (pretty funny seeing a four year old holding the door open for adults but boy was she proud when they told her thank you), and telling people that her name is Tierney and then spelling it for them. I just couldn't believe it normally she is so shy and won't talk to people even if they talk to her. Then today I had to run and get groceries so she came along to push the little cart at Joe's and was again telling people that she is four and even gave a guy a five there. Maybe she's coming out of her shell... better watch out!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I'm not going to smile nice!

I was talking to the girls tonight about getting their annual Christmas picture taken together. We were discussing when we thought we could get them taken and Tierney informed Taylor and I that "I'm not going to smile nice". She then proceeded to cross her arms and make a grumpy face and then stated "I'm going to do this". She did so well when she had her birthday pictures taken that I thought this would be cake. But she has been VERY grumpy this week and I should have known better. So wish us luck on this one!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Four Years!

Here are Tierney's four year pictures. Of course we had them taken dressed like Fancy Nancy and with the Fancy Nancy doll and dog. I can't believe how grown up our baby looks!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Christmas Tree

We got an artificial tree this year. We usually get a real tree but last year Marshall came home from work one night and the tree had fallen over so he had to get me up and we had to try to get it back in the stand. Needless to say after that mess we were both ready for a fake one this year. Tay was in agreement but it was harder for Tierney. When we got it out today she asked "we have to put fake trees together". It was almost sad! Marshall and I decided that we will see how it goes this year and we may go back to a real one next year (but it was nice not to have to get it in the stand and through the house)! Tierney is so excited for Christmas she has the rest of us excited.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Tay, Tierney, Hailey
Tay and Tierney

Tierney enjoying one of Tay's popsicles
We went to my mom and dad's for Thanksgiving. It was really nice. The girls got to spend the night there on Wednesday with Hailey. They made pumpkin bread and helped stuff the turkey. Tay also made kool-aid popsicles that were a hit with all of the girls. Apparently when stuffing the turkey dad made some comment about the stuffing going in the turkeys butt and of course Tay asked for clarification that it really went in the butt. She then told dad that was kinda gross that we then eat the stuffing. Well I didn't know about this conversation until later that day but when I first got there Tay asked me if she had to eat stuffing... hmm must have been on her mind all day!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Miss Frugal

Taylor is so funny. We have been trying to get ideas from her for Christmas and she keeps saying she just doesn't know. We got an American Girl Doll catalog and she has been looking through it almost daily but won't ask for one of the dolls. Marshall gave her the talk today that she shouldn't worry about the cost of things and that she needs to tells us what she wants. She finally told him which dolls she wanted. At least she doesn't ask for tons of stuff but geez how did she get so frugal!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Birthday Girl!

Tierney's birthday finally arrived. She was so excited yesterday. She opted for a birthday pie instead of another cake. Which Tay and I were happy with. She even had to wear her birthday hat that she got at preschool. She told us that for her number five birthday she is having it at the Super 8. Tay had her birthday party there this year and I think Tierney thought that was pretty cool. Then last night before bed she started crying and informed us that she doesn't want to be four that she still wants to be three. I didn't know it was so hard to turn four! She does not like change!

Friday, November 21, 2008


Tay is so excited. I'm not supposed to tell anyone who is coming to her Christmas program because she wants it to be a surprise... I figure it is okay to put on here since most people that read our blog won't be at her program. Well every year the third grade class sing the First Snowball of the Season song and some of the kids get to throw some sort of stuffed snowballs (I've never been close enough to see what they actually are) at the audience. Well Tay's name got drawn to throw them. She is so excited. Unfortunately Marshall can't be at the program this year (she was hoping to throw it at him) so now she wants Tierney and I to sit close. I guess we will be there really early this year!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


So I have been trying to prep Tierney that once she turns four no whining is allowed. I keep telling her that four year olds don't whine. This is due to the fact that whenever she wants something she whines to get it and yes we eventually give in just to get some peace. It is as much our fault as hers. I give Marshall a hard time and tell him it is due to the fact that she can order him around all day and he does whatever. And when Tay is home she does the same. I try not to jump right up when she needs something but it has been hard since she is the baby. Well she was in the tub earlier whining about something and I reminded her in a couple of days that she would be four and no longer be able to whine. Well she announces that when she is four she will be able to whine and gave me a little smirk. So apparently she figured out I was full of it!

Great Grandma

Great Grandma Arlene, Great Great Grandma Redfield, Tierney, Dusty, Taylor, Papa
Here is a picture that my grandmother sent from when we went to visit my great grandmother in October. One of my great grandmother's friends took it.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Fancy Nancy Birthday Party

Tierney with her new Fancy Nancy doll!
Grandma Thea, Tierney, and Nana all fancy at the party!
Tierney with cousins Ethin and Haily.
Tierney, Grandma Ann, Tay ready for the party.
Tierney, Marshall, and Tay ready for the party.
Tierney with her Fancy cake.
Geez I am really slow getting these on here. I haven't been feeling well so I just haven't taken the time to get them on our site. Tierney's party was a success. She looked like a little doll in her dress and all of her guests were dressed up. She really had fun and was so excited all day! Now we are counting down until her actual birthday (only four more days). I had scheduled her to have her pictures taken this past Saturday but cancelled so she could bring her Fancy Nancy doll to the pictures so hopefully we can get that done in the next week. It is hard to believe our baby is going to be four! It seems like we just brought her home and she was in the back seat screaming the whole way home.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


So apparently I suck! Taylor had math homework to finish for her ELP class and I accidentally threw it away. Yeah I thought it was something that was in her folder for me to see. I always throw the papers away after looking at them otherwise we have piles of them. I guess I should look more closely in the future! I had to send her teacher an email apologizing and hopefully Tay can get a new sheet. Just lovely!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Well the princess decided to take a couple of snips out of her hair last night. I was sitting at the table with her and Tay helping Tay with something and Tierney came over and showed me her hair. She instantly started crying and pointed to her hair on the floor. Needless to say her scissors are put up out of reach. She is sad since she wants her hair to be long but isn't sure why she cut it and then didn't want me to tell Marshall. Little stinker! Marshall said he can hardly tell but I think he is just saying that because I can. I guess it is just hair and it will grow back.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Tierney School Picture

Here is my baby's first school picture! Isn't she cute! I was worried what they would turn out like since she didn't want to have them taken but I am pleasantly surprised. Tay doesn't even get hers taken until Friday since she was sick on picture day. I hear the flu is going around again so lets keep our fingers crossed that she is healthy on Friday!

Another Milestone!

Tierney has now learned how to turn the water on and off in the bathroom!! This means she can now go to the bathroom without needing our help! We have been working on this for quite awhile. She has had trouble reaching even with her step stool but we must have grown!

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Wow, what a nice weekend! Tay didn't have school Friday and I took the day off to spend with the girls. I took them to High School Musical 3 on Friday. There was hardly anyone there which was nice since Tierney was dancing and singing. Yesterday the girls and I scrapbooked all day (we haven't had a chance to do that since Christmas break last year), and today we are just "hanging out" (as miss Tierney would say). It has been great not to have to run a thousand places!

Tierney is all excited for her big party next weekend. When she was talking about it last night I realized I haven't ordered a cake. I don't care for cake so I never think of it. I guess I know what is on my agenda for tomorrow! She keeps showing us her plates and napkins. We had to purchase pink silverware when we were in Waterloo on Friday. She keeps asking us what we are going to get her... it is so cute. I'm glad we only have a week to go!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Watch Night

We had watch night tonight at dance. Above our some pictures of the girls dancing. They both did a nice job. Tierney is so darn cute. It takes her entire little body to do some of the moves. Many of the parents were commenting on how cute she is. They are both excited for their dance Christmas program this year.


We had conferences for both of the girls this week. They both had wonderful reports. Tay is still an awesome reader and is very caring towards the other children. Her teacher said she is always willing to help others and she loves writers workshop. They get to write stories and that is something Tay has really enjoyed this year. Oh yes I almost forgot to mention that Tay got an awesome score on some testing they did. Her teacher even said that she is worried that she won't be able teach her enough to make that score higher the next time she takes it. We will see! Tierney is also doing awesome. She plays well with the other children and her teacher said all the kids want to play with her. She is able to do most everything on the list. She needs to work on holding her pencil a little lower but she knows how to spell her name out loud and can write it on her own! She also needs to work on picking up after herself (that was no surprise to us). Her teacher said she likes to socialize more than pick up. Imagine that she is quite the chatter box these days! Marshall and I are so proud of what nice young ladies we have.

Lock Down

Today when Marshall went to pick Tay up from school the doors were still locked and he said he noticed classroom lights off. Well when he was able to go in there was an announcement that the lock down was over. Apparently they couldn't find a little girl. Luckily they found her. It is just scary that our children even know what a lock down is and that they have to practice for them.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Do you know....

Do you know who Logan's girlfriend is? That is the question Tierney asked Marshall and I after her conferences this afternoon. Marshall and I looked and her and she said "it's Tierney". We both just laughed and asked her if anyone knew that and she informed us that is what Logan says and that it is just a secret that she told us. We can't tell Taylor either.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Ben's Birthday

We went to Madison yesterday to celebrate Marshall's nephew Ben's birthday. The girls really enjoyed seeing Evie and Ben and Ethin. Thea and Lewie rode with us also so they thought that was pretty fun also. It was a long drive but we all had a nice time. Tierney could hardly stand not helping open her presents. That poor girl's birthday just can't come fast enough!

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Tierney just cracks me up. I have noticed this week that every time she makes a statement she will end it with 'right'. I think it is due to the fact that she will talk to Taylor who doesn't always listen or answer her and that is her way of making sure we are paying attention.

Another thing I have noticed about Tierney is how outgoing she is around other kids. Today at the park she started following a little boy and told him to wait for her and they were best of friends after that. Then tonight we were at Wal-Mart waiting for our pictures and she started striking up a conversation with two girls around Taylor's age. It is funny because she will be so clingy but then can be so outgoing and friendly around total strangers.


Nate, Beth, and Hailey came over this afternoon and we took all three girls to the park. They had so much fun running around and playing!