Monday, August 24, 2009

Tierney First Day of Preschool

The pictures Tierney drew for her new teacher.

Tierney playing in her new classroom.

Tierney hanging up her coat and bag.

Tierney had her first day of preschool at her new school today. At 5:30 this morning she was wanting to get up and I was able to hold her off for awhile. She was so excited this morning and when I got out of the shower I found her at her desk making pictures for her teacher she said "I hope no one else makes her a picture". She did ask before we went what happens if no one talks to her and what will happen if she throws up at school since she doesn't know where the nurses office is. So funny what goes through her mind (you can tell she's gotten sick at school before). When we dropped her off Marshall and I both got big hugs and kisses. I was about crying... she is so big and brave. When I picked her up she was outside playing and her teacher said she did really well and Tierney gave her a hug and kiss goodbye (so she must like her teacher). Oh yes and then asked if she can go all day. Nope I'm not ready for that and I don't think she'd want to once she finds out they have rest time. I think we made the right choice in switching schools.

Another tooth...

Miss Tierney lost her second tooth Saturday night. Actually I pulled it out since it was sticking out and Tay told her that she would swallow it in her sleep. She is pretty proud and even had to show our pastor at church on Sunday.

Friday, August 21, 2009

School Report

So far Tay has said that school is boring... they have only gone over the rules. She has not had any problems with her locker and said that she had to help out some of her friends with their lockers. Yesterday she hardly said anything about her day, just that it was boring. Today she at least talked about recess and some other things throughout the day. I'm hoping she just needs to get in the routine of things again.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

First Day of Fourth Grade

Tay had her first day of fourth grade today. Yesterday we had an orientation and she got her locker and practiced opening it. She has been really nervous about having a locker and worried she will forget the combination. She practiced several times yesterday and could say the combination when she left this morning. I can't wait for her to get home to see how it went. I am having a hard time with her going to fourth grade... next year is middle school. I think time really speeds up when you have kids. Oh I should mention I wanted her to wear a skirt or sundress but no she picked this out!
Needless to say I had to stay busy today. We ended up getting Roscoe neutered today and that was much harder than I expected when I dropped him off. Then Tierney and I went to Waterloo and got her pictures taken and then went and got Tay a shirt she wanted. Luckily on the way home they called and Roscoe was ready to be picked up. He is pretty tired and resting now. In an hour Tay will be home and I'm sure she will be glad to see he is home since she was worried about him also.

Corn On the Cob

We had corn on the cob last night for the first time this summer. I think Tierney forgot how fun it is to have. She was giggling and loved the cob holders but thought it was harder to eat with one less tooth. Oh and she now has another loose one (I think she is taking after her big sister and making them loose for the money)!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

First Missing Tooth!

Tierney lost her very first tooth today. It is on the bottom front. She is so excited for the tooth fairy to come tonight. It is hard to believe that my baby is losing teeth!

Last Days of Summer...

I can't believe that Tay goes back to school in two days. I'm not sure where the summer went. I took most of this week off to spend with the girls before school starts again. Today Megan and I took Tay, Tierney, Ethin, and Tay's friend Hannah to the Aquatics Center in Cedar Falls. They all had a blast. The girls are tired and in the shower now... I think we will be putting in a movie when they get out and hope they fall asleep! Earlier Tay and I got groceries and one of the moms was saying how she wished her kids would have went back to school a month ago and I think that is so sad. I love having the girls home and not being so tired each night.


CJ, Hailey, Tierney
Hailey, Tierney, and Aunt Lori

My cousin is back from Seattle for the week to visit. We were lucky enough to meet him and his family and my parents, Beth, and Hailey for supper in Decorah last night. Here are the only pictures I got. Of course Tay isn't in any... she isn't liking to get her picture taken much and seems to disapear when I have the camera out!

Girl Scout Camping Trip

The girls after tubing.
Tierney and Macy on the paddle boat.

Marcy, Tay, Hannah on the wagon ride.
Macy, Isabel, Tierney, Cassy on the wagon ride.
We took our Girl Scouts camping this past weekend. We went to Nashua and rented a cabin. Two other moms went with which really worked out nicely. Tierney wasn't going to go but Marshall was gone all day Saturday so she got lucky and got to come along. The girls were able to go on a wagon ride, go tubing, and swimming. I think everyone had a good time... I know the girls did.

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Last weekend Tay spent the day at the river with her friend Hannah. They got to go tubing and to the Lansing Fish Days. Tay had a blast and got to ride a horse for the first time!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Tay, Cousin Shane, Tierney, Cousin Jacob
Tay, Cousin Brandon, Cousin Shane, Tierney
The girls just spent the day with my two aunts, my grandma, my mom, and a couple of my cousins. Today they got to go swimming and had a blast. About a month ago my aunts took them bowling. They always have such a good time and it is so nice that they pick the girls up to do things. Here are some pictures from the bowling outing!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Potty Trained?

After several months I think our dog is trained!! He hasn't had an accident for quite some time but the problem has been getting him to let us know when he has to go out (pretty much we have been trained to watch the clock and take him out). Well the past week he has been going to the door and either whining or scratching at the door to go out!! We are hoping that he will do more of the whining since we aren't always in the room but we will take what we can get. I am so excited!!

Tierney Jo

That girl makes me laugh daily. I have been having trouble with my back and now today her back suddenly hurts. She keeps saying "oh oh my back it hurts so bad". When I was getting her clothes out I asked if she wanted to wear a dress or shorts and she informed me "shorts because I don't want to have to sit like woman". How can you not laugh at that. The other night I asked her what we should do with Hailey this weekend since we will be watching her Saturday. Well Tierney said "you should take us and buy us each a new toy". Hmm