Saturday, November 28, 2009

Tierney's 5th Birthday

Here are pictures from the day of Tierney's birthday. I should mention that yes she is in her tent. We had to have a camp out in the living room for her birthday. She also didn't want a cake so she had pumpkin bars that Papa made her for her cake.

Tierney School

I got to help with the kids painting... lets just say I was reminded why we don't paint much at home (messy!).
Here are some pictures from last Friday when I spent the day with Tierney at school. I should mention that she brought the popcorn for snack time... I must apologize to the janitor because the kids made a huge mess with it.


I'm not sure where the time has gone. Our baby turned five last weekend and I've been off for over a week and haven't gotten any pictures posted. Tay missed school the days they had it this week due to being sick. She still is coughing and seems to get run down easy. We have an easy week this next week so hopefully that will help also. Last Friday I spent the day at Tierney's school for her birthday. She was also the star of the week so I helped tell about her favorite things and show her pictures. I then got to read a story to the class. Of course Tierney picked a Fancy Nancy book. This week Marshall and I helped with the class' food tasting party which was quite interesting. For Thanksgiving we went to my grandma's. Today we went to my parents' and my dad and Marshall were cutting wood. Well they found a kitten that they brought home to my parents' house. The girls are in love and have named her Lily. We will see if she sticks around mom and dad's. The week has flown by and so has the past five years. I just cannot believe that our baby is five. How on earth do we have a ten and five year old already?

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Tierney 5th Birthday Party

Nate, Hailey, Marshall, Tierney in the pool.

Tierney, Hailey, Nate in the hot tub.

Tay, Marshall, Tierney in the hot tub.

Tierney, Tay, Desmond, Hannah, Marshall, Ethin, Hailey, Nate in the hot tub.

Tierney with her Tinkerbell cake

Tierney opening gifts with Ethin and Hailey.

We had Tierney's 5th birthday party Saturday at the Super 8. She has said for the past year she's wanted a swimming party. She had a ton of fun with everyone. Hailey and Nate came over after and ended up staying over which was a ton of fun. All the kids got along without any blow outs!!

Fire Station and Sheriff's Office tours

Tierney in the fire truck

We took our Girl Scout troop to visit and tour the new fire station and sheriff's office on Wednesday. It was really neat. The girls were able to check everything out. Tierney also got to go along and she loved being in the big fire truck.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

School Pictures

We just got the girls' school pictures back. I love Tierney's but I'm not loving Tay's real well. Marshall thinks it's her smile and I think I put her in the wrong color. Oh well they aren't terrible for school pictures!


The girls got their pictures taken with cousin Hailey and Nana and Papa a few weeks ago and we got them back this past week. I think they turned out really good. It is amazing how they look so much alike!

Christmas at Grandpa Bud's

Nate and Hailey
Tierney and Hailey

We had Christmas at my Grandpa's this past Saturday. It was a lot of fun minus watching the Hawks lose!!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Dance Watch Night

The girls had watch night for dance last night. Tierney was very tired as you can tell in her picture.... I wish she would take a nap daily since she needs one! It's always fun to watch them dance... I wish it were more than a couple times a year.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Tierney's Halloween Party

I was able to go to Tierney's Halloween party. It was crazy. Last year she had eight kids in her class and this year there is twenty-four. I could never do that everyday! It is so fun to see her interact with her friends. She is so helpful at school and does such a good job listening and following directions! She is growing up so fast. Apparently when you are in fourth grade you don't have Halloween parties anymore so I didn't get to go to one for Tay... that is very sad!


Tierney as Fancy Nancy, Tay as a witch, and Roscoe as a spider web
Tay with the pumpkins she carved herself. If you look real close you can see that the small one she carved Iowa on for the Hawks!
The girls scooping the guts!

After a lot of thinking Tierney decided to be Fancy Nancy for Halloween. For a girl who always knows what she wants she did not actually decide until the day before Halloween what she was going to be and Tay who takes forever to make a decision decided to be a witch over a month ago! Mom came trick or treating with us and this was the first time in several years that Marshall was off work and also got to come along.