Monday, December 17, 2012

Miss Harper

Harper was two months old on Saturday.... where does the time go.  She is growing like a weed and is as happy as ever.  She laughs and smiles all the time.  She loves to snuggle and is such a sweetie.  We had her two month appointment on Wednesday December 13th.  She weighed eleven pounds and eleven ounces (61%) and is 21.5 inches long (14%)... yep she's short like Tierney.  She got her first shots which she didn't like.  Marshall stayed in for that... I couldn't stand to be in there.  I knew she'd cry and since she never cries I struggle with that especially knowing it would hurt her.  She was fussy that night but back to her self the next day.  We also got her two month pictures taken after her shots.  I cannot wait to get them on Thursday to share!  Tierney even stated last week "I like Harper".  Well that's good since she isn't going anywhere because we love that girl more and more everyday!!