Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Oh how I forgot all about middle school dances until earlier this week.  I was talking to a friend on Monday and found out there is a Valentine's dance on the 8th.  Well my daughter wasn't going to tell us because she doesn't want to have to wear a dress!  Oh Tay what are we going to do with you.  Needless to say we are forcing her to go.  We told her it won't kill her to get out of her t-shirt and lounge pants once in awhile!


I am trying to keep up to date on this to help me keep up on Harper's milestones.  She loves kisses.  When we kiss her we kiss her on her cheeks well she now opens her mouth and turns her head to kiss us on the kips.... it is quite slobbery but so darn cute.  She is also getting on her side and trying so hard to roll over from her back to her stomach.... she is so determined.  She also does not like to be held like a baby ... she wants to be sitting straight up!  Have I mentioned how much our entire family LOVES her!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

3 months

Our little Harper was 3 months on the 15th.  It is so hard to believe.  She is growing so fast.  She continues to be the sweetest little girl.  Her big sisters love her so much.  Tay painted her nails the other night.  Harper continues to go to all the girls' events and is an angel watching them... I really hope that continues!  She has started to drool and is chewing on her hands constantly.  She is even figuring out how to get things up to her mouth to chew on now.


Oh our Tierney comes home with better stories everyday.  A couple of weeks ago she came home and two new boys had asked her to "go out".  Marshall asked her what that was about and the girl says "well look at this" and points to herself.

Then last week she comes home and said someone else asked her to "go out".  She informed us that she wrote this boy a letter and said "Dear ____ I do not want to go out.  I just want to be friends.  From Tierney".

Well this week she comes home and says that a little boys dad was eating lunch with them and he asked her if she knew that his son likes her and she says "yeah I know".  She then said that after lunch her teacher told her she must be exhausted from all these boys asking her to "go out".

I sure hope this does not continue as she gets older!

Monday, January 7, 2013


On Sunday when we got to church we were asked to fill out communion cards.  Tierney says "is that what I had at Nana and Papa's church".  I immediately said no she doesn't take communion and wouldn't have had it.  Well she proceeded to ask if it was the wine.  When I said yes she informed me that's what she had a Nana and Papa's church on Christmas Eve.  Yep confirmed with my mom she sure did... held her hands out like everyone else at the wafer, then took a sip of wine and didn't like it and panicked and passed it to her sister.  Oh Tierney.  I had to explain how she hasn't done communion training yet and would not be having communion on Sunday.  Well guess who tried getting it but our pastor knew better!

Saturday, January 5, 2013


I just have to say we have the best baby!  Thursday night Harper slept seven and a half hours straight and last night six and a half.  Notice I am up because it's after four in the morning and I'm not sure what to do with more than six hours of sleep!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

11 Weeks

 Harper and Papa
Harper was eleven weeks yesterday.  I just cannot believe it.  She was just born and she is growing so fast.  Here are some random pictures of her.  She sure is a joy to have in our lives.  She is smiling and laughing all the time.  She has been sleeping 5-6 hours a night.  The only problem is last night she saw the ball drop... yep it was midnight when she went to bed and the two nights before it was 11:30.  I'm hoping we get a more reasonable bedtime figured out soon!

She loves watching her big sisters.  She has even started to notice Roscoe and he is starting to like her.  The other day he was licking her and of course Tay and Tierney are sitting there letting him... yuck!  But she didn't seem to mind.  Can we say bath time was shortly after!

Tay AAU Basketball

Tay is playing AAU basketball again this year.  Their first tournament was on Friday.  They went 1-2... it wasn't pretty but she sure loves to play ball.

Christmas 2012 at Grandma Ann's

 Tierney, Great Grandma Ann, Tay, Harper.
 Great Grandma with several of her great grandchildren.
 Grandma Ann with the grandchildren.
 Great Grandma Ann with Harper.
 We got Harper smiling!
 Tierney still wearing the glasses.

Harper loving the bear great grandma had made for her.

We spent last Friday celebrating Christmas with Marshall's grandmother and family!

The day after Christmas...

 Harper rocking the hat that Jordan's aunt made!
 Cousins... Ben, Tay, Harper, Ethin, Tierney, and Evie.
 Cousins with Grandma Thea and Grandpa Lewie.
 Harper with Grandma Thea and Grandpa Lewie.
 Harper with her big present.
We spent the day after Christmas celebrating Christmas with Marshall's family.  We spent all day eating and enjoying each other's company.

Christmas Day 2012

 The girls Christmas morning!  Notice they already did their stockings and Tierney got her fake glasses from Santa.

 The present Tierney made us.

We spent Christmas day at home... just the five of us.  It was a wonderful first Christmas for Miss Harper.  The girls took turns opening Harper's presents for her.  The best was the present Tierney gave her... a little radio that makes noise.  Harper giggled every time we'd press the buttons.  At breakfast Tierney said "this is the best Christmas ever"  when we asked why she said "because Harper's here".  I think that was the best part of my day!

Christmas Eve 2012

 Tierney and Hailey outside in the snow.  If you look real close they have the cat on the sled pulling it.
 Tierney and Hailey enjoying hot chocolate that Papa made after coming inside.
 Uncle Nate playing with Harper.
 Hailey and Tierney opening the "early presents".
 Hailey and Tierney before church.
 Tay, Harper, Tierney, Hailey
 Our family picture.
 Uncle Nate, Hailey, and Jordan.
 Nana and Papa with the grand girls.
 The whole family.
 Great Grandma Arlene and Great Grandpa Bill with the grand girls.
 Tierney with her one direction pjs.
 Tay with her Derrick Rose jersey.  Papa's laughing because he took Tay shopping and she picked out all her own presents.
We spent Christmas Eve day and evening at my parents' house.  The little girls played outside in the morning.  We went to candle light service in the evening and spent the day snacking!

Holiday Season

I love the holidays.  I love how excited the girls get about Christmas!
 We bought a gingerbread house for the girls to put together.  Well needless to say it was a little bit of a struggle.  Tay ended up breaking out the hot glue gun to glue the house together since the frosting wasn't holding it!

 Tierney's school
Christmas Program.

 Tierney in the snow where she wrote "Happy Holidays".  The girls loves snow!
Tierney's class signing at the bank.

Note:  Tay did not have a school Christmas program because she isn't in key notes:(

Big Sister Tierney

It has taken Tierney some time to adjust to being a big sister.  She really wasn't sure about being in "the middle" and having a younger sister but she really enjoys it now.  She is a great help.  She will get Harper her pacifier, talk to her, or pat her tummy if she needs some attention.  About two weeks ago Tierney said "I really like Harper".  Got to love it since she's here to stay!