Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Thomas the Train

I am so excited!! There is a Thomas the Train show next week in Cedar Falls. Marshall and I debated about taking Tierney (we went to the Backyardigans last year and it was awesome). Well the radio station in Waverly was giving away tickets today to the tenth caller. Well the first time they announced that you could call in I was caller one and six, the second time you could call I was caller one and four, then the final time to call in came and guess who was caller ten!! I don't think I have won anything in my adult life until today. I even screamed on the phone and yes I was at work. Terrible I know! So bad that when I went smiling into the radio station to pick up the tickets shortly after I won he said "you must be Dusty". Let me tell you I have one excited little girl. It's next week so watch for pictures!!


As Tierney and the Berstein Bears would say the Perkins Family has a bad case of the grouchies. Tay is burned out with school and has been very difficult this week. Tierney has been very cranky and has my personality and when she is grumpy it is hard on everyone and Marshall is just going stir crazy. I have been joking that Roscoe and I are the only happy ones! I have been working longer hours the past week so I'm sure that is not helping matters! Tierney will point out when people have the grouchies and has even been admitting when she is tired. You know that is not a good signe!!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Puppy Clothes

So Marshall thinks putting your dog in clothes is the dumbest thing ever. It is funny because as a kid when I had a dog I even put booties on him and pushed him around in a doll stroller. Marshall told Tay we could not buy Roscoe any clothes. I told Tay we could get him some for Christmas since it is getting warmer he wouldn't wear them a ton right now. Well she has been making plans of what she is going to buy him. I worked late last night so Marshall took the girls and Hannah to dance. When I called on my way home from work Marshall said that Hannah got Tay a present. Guess what it was a puppy shirt! Tay is so excited and had to put it on him right away. Marshall just shook his head. It must not have been to bad since he took Roscoe for a walk last night in it! I think he looks pretty cute!

Monday, April 13, 2009


I had to put this picture on because Tierney has been wanting to drive the jeep since last summer. Well I found the battery charger and with the nice weather she was able to drive it. She was a little scared at first since this is the first year Tay doesn't fit in it and that she has been able to drive it herself (she is a maniac in it)!

Easter Sunday

My two cutie pies!
Tay, Cousins Evan, Eli, Tierney, Cousins Ethin and Isaac
Hailey, me, and Tierney
Tierney and Tay dying eggs at Nana and Papa's house
Tierney, Papa, Tay, Hailey, Beth
Tierney, Tay, Hailey

We had a really busy Easter Sunday. When the girls got up they hunted for their eggs and baskets. Then we got ready and went to Nana and Papa's for lunch. After that we went to Thea and Lewie's for Easter dinner. We even brought Roscoe everywhere with us. Considering all of the excitement he did really well. He is still getting used to riding in the car but hopefully a few more short trips and he'll have it down.

Easter Eggs

Tierney could not wait to dye our Easter Eggs. She is so funny and was way excited for Easter. Here are some pictures of the girls dying their Easter Eggs.

Nursing Home

On Friday after we were at Theisens we took our troop to the local nursing home to dye Easter eggs for the Easter egg hunt at the park on Saturday. Tierney also went along and got to put all of the stickers on the dyed eggs. This was the first year the girls went to the egg hunt. Tierney was looking for the "golden" egg to win a prize but didn't find it.


Cassy, Hannah, Tay with Brian (Theisens store manager) with the food they bought to donate to the food pantry.
Our Girl Scout troop is really interested in animals and helping them. So they decided to raise money to purchase pet food to donate to the local food pantry. On Friday Theisens let us come to their store to get donations from their customers. The girls then got to go shopping for the pet food they were going to donate. They had so much fun and think we should go for an entire day during the summer.


We have been so busy the past few days. I am trying to get through the pictures on my camera to post everything. It seems like we haven't been home much. Tay was supposed to have first communion yesterday but the pastor was ill and couldn't do it. Now she will do it on May 3rd which will be nice since it won't be so hectic! I have been off work since April 2nd and don't have to go back until tomorrow. It has been so nice but it always goes way to fast. Luckily June is just around the corner and I will be off for a week or two then! Marshall was able to get a lot of things done around the house since I was home and able to watch the kids and the dog! One of the biggest things we did was tore up all our carpet. We have hardwood floors! They need some tlc but we are going to leave them as is for awhile to see if we really like them before going to all that work and if we don't I get to pick out new carpet. Marshall really likes them and I think it makes the downstairs feel more open!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Easter Bunny

Tierney had her picture taken with the Easter Bunny on Saturday. Tay didn't go along apparently she thought she was to big to have her picture with the bunny. It is going to be in Friday's paper so I guess I can't blame her. Tierney is upset because her eyes aren't all the way open. I was hoping she wouldn't notice but you can't get much by her.

My babies...

Marshall and I have been doing some major spring cleaning this week while Tay has been in school. She starts her spring break today at 1. I took the whole week off and we have been making some good progress. Today he is starting on my long awaited pantry. To do that I had to clean out some drawers and came across some pictures that apparently haven't made it to photo albums. It is so hard to believe how much the girls have grown and changed.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Our Girl Scout Troop loves animals. They decided to donate cans to the local pet rescue program and on Friday will be at Thiesen's collecting money to purchase animal food from Thiesen's for the local food pantry or pet food that is purchased at Thiesen's for the local food pantry. They really want to help the local program. If you are going to be in town this Friday from 1-3 stop by!

Great Grandma Redfield

Uncle Nate teaching Tay how to play pool after grandma's visitation.
Hailey, Tierney, and Tay at the hotel

Five generation picture taken in October 2008
Grandma Arlene, Great Grandma Redfield, Tierney, Dusty, Tay, Papa

It seems like I haven't been on here forever. The girls were sick and then on Tuesday of last week we got news that my great grandmother, Grandma Redfield passed away. So we went to her visitation and funeral on Thursday and Friday. It is a very long drive up there and back. Tay only made it to school on Wednesday last week... we made her go so she could get all her homework done before we left. She wasn't one hundred percent but we didn't know what else to do. Tierney didn't make it at all last week. Tierney didn't feel good still on Thursday and was pretty rotten in the car and at the visitation. When we went out to eat afterwards she was asking to go back to the hotel for some quiet. I figured she must not feel well because she does not usually recognize when she needs quiet time. Tay had a rough time on Friday night. She is really sad about grandma and not understanding why she had to die. Tierney doesn't quite get it and thought grandma would be at the hotel we were at. Even last night she was talking about where grandma is. It is hard to explain it for her to understand.