Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Little Chickasaw

Harper all decked out for Tay's basketball game.  She is perfect at the games.  The noise and people don't bother her at all... she just chills and checks everything out!


I just have to share that Harper had her first giggle today.  Marshall and I were both there to hear it.  I have to tell you we love that little girl so much.  She is such a blessing!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Happy Birthday Tierney!

It is hard to believe that our little Tierney turned 8 on Thanksgiving!  She is growing up so fast.  We gave her the choice to have a party with her friends or to go to Mall of America.  She chose to go to MOA and decided to invite Hailey and Nate to come along.  Tay and Harper were going to go as well but Tay had ball practice and Nana talked us into leaving Harper with her for the day.  So Tierney had a lot of mom and dad time.  We did some shopping at the American Girl store, the girls and I ate at the American Girl Store (the boys went to Hooters), then we hit lego land, and rode rides.  Tierney had a ton of fun!  We were all exhausted by the end of the day.  Her and Hailey said it was the best day ever, next to Florida:)  Then on Thanksgiving we went to Nana and Papa's and they had a penguin party there for her.  It is hard to believe that she is 8 already.  She is already planning her next birthday and I told her to just enjoy this year because it is all going too fast for me!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


I have to share how thankful I am to have a healthy and happy baby.  Harper really is a great baby.  She hardly fusses.  She is just happy to go wherever we take her and to check things out.  She really has been a good sleeper.  Most nights she only gets up twice and last night was only once and she slept for five hours straight.  She generally eats and goes right back to sleep.  I know we are lucky that she is healthy and even luckier that she is so content.  I am so thankful that she doesn't have colic and that she is just so happy.

Friday, November 16, 2012


 The girls and I had gotten our pictures taken with my big tummy about a month before Harper was born.  I thought they would be nice for Harper's scrapbook.
 Haper's Halloween pictures (two weeks).
 Our 2012 Family Pictures

School Pictures 2012-2013

 Tierney 2nd Grade
Tay 7th Grade

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

And it's only Wednesday...

I'm not really sure where to begin but this week is starting out rough.  The past couple of weeks Tierney has not wanted to go to dance.  Since we have only paid for one of her three costumes for her recital Marshall and I have been talking about whether we try to continue to get her to go.  She has tons of fun when she is there and really enjoys dancing but getting her there is a battle.  Well we decided that we don't want to feel like we are making her go even though it is something she enjoys.  So we gave her the choice whether or not to continue to attend and she decided to quit.  

Harper has had a stuffy nose and not really herself.  Don't get me wrong she isn't fussy but doesn't really want to be put down and is having to breathe through her mouth so needless to say last night and today were a little rough.  

This morning Tierney woke up with a tummy ache.  I wanted her to stay home from school but she thought she was well enough to go and thought maybe she was just hungry.  So against my better judgement I let her go to school.  Well at ten I got a call from the school nurse that she was sick.  Of course Marshall was at a training so Harper and I went to get her.  She is so upset that she isn't going to have perfect attendance this year.  She wanted that so bad and has never gotten it.  

On a positive note I am hoping we are over everyone being sick before the holidays!

Monday, November 12, 2012


I have so much I could write about right now.  We had conferences for the girls and they are both doing quite well in school.  Tierney is always helpful and both are in ELP for their reading.  Tierney has struggled with always wanting to be right... I'm not sure where she gets that from:)  Apparently there have been a couple of times where she missed an answer and when she got her paper back changed it and then told the teacher she corrected it wrong.  The teacher got her to fess up what she did so we are working on that!  That girl is always going to keep us on our toes!  Tay has started school basketball and had three games last week.  They won two of them and lost one.  She has another one tonight.  It is nice to see how well the girls are playing together this year.  They are doing well at passing the ball and working as a team.  We got some family pictures taken a week ago and they will be in at the end of the week.  I am excited to get them and will post as soon as I do.  The girls also got some taken together and those look really cute!  Life is good.... we are just enjoying our girls and watching them grow.  Although I do wish we could slow down the time!

Here is a picture of Miss Harper in her Hawks outfit!


Tierney was so excited for Halloween.  She loves any holiday.  A couple of months before Halloween she was sure she wanted to be Dorthy from the Wizard of Oz.  I'm not sure why since I'm not even sure if she's seen the entire movie but she did make a cute Dorthy.  Two days before Halloween the girls went to a Halloween part that our Parks and Rec sponsored.  Harper was a zebra and Tierney as Dorthy.  Tay was happy to go and show off Harper but didn't dress up.  Tierney was picked to help the magician and was pretty proud of herself!

Four Weeks...

How is it even possible that Harper is four weeks old today?  Time is flying by.  I keep thinking I should get on here and post some updates but I've been so busy enjoying my new girl that I haven't made the time.  Harper is a wonderful little girl.  For the most part she only gets up twice at night which is really nice.  She is taking after her big sister, Tierney though and not liking to sleep in her bed.  Her preference is to sleep in her bouncy seat which I'm not fighting right now!  Marshall and I feel like new parents all over again since it has been so long since we have had a baby.  So it took us some getting used to with getting ready to leave the house, giving baths, etc. but I think we have the hang of it now!  The girls are loving their new sister as well.  They both love to help and Tierney was so excited that she got to change her first diaper last night!

I'm not sure if I posted this before so I am going to again so I have it!  Harper weighed seven pounds and seven ounces when she was born and was 20.5 inches long.  At discharge the next day she weighed seven pounds and three ounces.  Because we left the hospital early we had to go back two days later for a newborn assessment and she weighed 6lbs 14oz.  She was sleeping quit a bit so we began waking her up to eat every three hours during the day.  At her two week appointment on October 29th she was up to 7pounds and 13ounces!  The funny thing is they had her length at only twenty inches so we aren't sure who measured wrong!  Harper's first smile when we talk to her was November 10th and it was to me!  This past weekend she also figured out that when she hits some of the items hanging from her gym that they move!

Harper still sleeps quit a bit but when she is awake she has the most amazing blue eyes!  Here are some pictures from the day she was born and since!

 Proud big sister.  She wasn't too sure about being a big sister but has really started to enjoy it!
 Leaving the hospital.
 The day Harper was born.

Harper's first walk!