Saturday, January 1, 2011

This week...

Tay and Nana working on Tay's school project!

This week has been very busy. Tay spent some time with Nana who helped her on some school projects she has due after break. Tierney had Hailey spend the night and then the next day Tierney, Hailey, Nate, Marshall, and I took the girls to Chuck E Cheese and then to Carlos for lunch. Tierney also went to our neighbor Judy's and watched a movie and spent time outside building a snowman. Tay had her first appointment for her braces after getting them on. We then went shopping with Marshall's parents and helped them pick out a new computer. It is hard to beleive we only have two more days left of Christmas Vacation. Tay has had basketball over break but we have had a break from all of our other activities. It has been nice to spend some quality time with each other and both of our families!

Christmas at Grandma Thea's and Grandpa Lewie's

Tay, Ben, Tierney, Evie, Ethin

I love Tierney's look on her face in this picture!
On Monday we celebrated Christmas with Marshall's parents and siblings. The kids played all day until we had to drag Tierney home crying because she was not ready to leave! After the fact I noticed we didn't get a picture with grandma, grandpa, and the kids.

Christmas at Grandma Ann's

Tay, Evie, Tierney, and Ethin
Tierney, Evie, and cousin Eli
Notice Tay is too big to sit on the floor with the "little kids"
Grandma Ann
Tierney, Grandma Ann, Tay
The Sunday after Christmas we celebrated at Marshall's grandma's house. The cousins had a ton of fun playing together. Tierney and Evie were inseparable for the day and the next day at Grandma Thea's.

Christmas Day

The girls with their American Girl Bakery that Santa brought.

Tierney so happy she "fainted" that Tay got her Squinkies.

Christmas Day we were able to stay home and the girls played with all their new stuff. My parents came over for supper and I helped mom with her new Nook. It was so nice to spend the day together and watch the girls enjoy their new stuff.

Christmas Eve

Uncle Nate
Tay with her new ipod.
Hailey and Tierney in their new sleeping bags.
The girls in their new hats.

We spent Christmas Eve at my parents' house. The girls played all day together and didn't fight! That says a lot for Tierney and Hailey. We ended the night by going to candle light service at my parents' church. The little girls did well holding their candles.

December 2010

December was a very busy month. We had some bad weather where we were kept in town because of the roads. Because of this we were able to do some fun things at home and Marshall and I took Tierney to the pancake breakfast with Santa in town. You can see her on her lap above. Tierney made Christmas so fun. She was very big on Santa and so excited for him to come. In her letter she asked for little for herself and then asked that he bring "her dog" some new toys and bones. That just makes us laugh since she has such a love hate relationship with Roscoe and will always tell Tay to "get your dog". Here are some pictures of the girls decorating the tree and then painting homemade ornaments.

Tierney's School Program

I cannot believe that December is over already. How did Christmas come and go so quickly this year? I haven't gotten anything posted for awhile partly due to being sick and then being busy everyday. First Tay got sick then Tierney, then I got it and then Marshall. There was a day that Marshall and I were both sick. Lucky for me mine lasted the longest and I didn't feel one hundred percent for several days. I feel terrible because I missed Tay's school Christmas program because I was sick. Luckily my parents, Marshall's dad, and Meg were able to attend. Nana took pictures so I will post those later. Above are pictures from Tierney's program. We had to go early so we could get good seats she was very concerned that we wouldn't be able to see her. We got the first and second row seats!