Monday, May 31, 2010

Grandma Thea's Birthday

Uncle Bob, Tierney, Grandma Thea
Tay, Cousin Ethin, Grandma Thea, Tierney
Cousin Ethin, Tierney, Cousin Isaac
Tay, Grandma Ann, Tierney
Tay and Cousin Evan with their tour
Grandma Ann with Cousin Zeke
We went to Marshall's grandma's yesterday to celebrate his mom's bithday. Marshall's cousin was also there with his family so the girls got to meet their newest cousin Zeke and play with Ethin and the Kalainoff cousins. They really had a good time.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Dance Recital 2010 Night 2

Tay and her friend Rebecca
The girls in their ballet costumes.

Tierney and her friend Emma.

Tierney with her friends Emma and Rachel.

Tay with her friend Tatum.

Hannah, Tay, Marcy
We made it through this years recital. The girls both did a really nice job. It is amazing to see how different they are each year. Tierney loves the stage.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Last Day of 09-2010 School Year

I had to take some pictures of the girls on their last day of school. This year has gone very fast. It is hard to believe that it is summer already. Both of the girls are ready for summer and excited that the pool opens tomorrow. I'm glad to have them home for the next couple months but also sad because I know how fast it will go. Then we will have a fifth grader and a kindergartner. I'm not sure where the past ten years have gone. We have two beautiful girls. I sure wish time would slow down so we can enjoy them longer!

Dance Recital 2010 Night 1

Tierney's fancy hair that I actually did my self. Can you tell I'm proud of my self!
Tay's fancy hair that I paid to have done!
Me and my girls

Tay and Nana
Tay and Hannah
Marcy, Tay, Hannah
Well we made it through the first night of recital. This is the first year that I was not stressed and running around making sure everything was "perfect". Well I decided there is a reason that ninety-nine percent of the time I am high strung. Halfway to recital I realized I forgot the girls' flowers. Luckily mom and dad hadn't gone through town yet so they picked them up. Oh it gets better... after Tierney was done with her tap routine I went to change her and realized I packed pink tights and not the white ones she needed. Thank goodness for my mom. She ran to Kmart and came back with two pairs! She must have wanted to make sure I had some for tonight! Other than that everything went smoothly. The girls did a great job and looked beautiful!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


The girls with Evie's wigs on
Tay and Ben on the train
Tierney and Evie on the train

We went to Milwaukee this past weekend to see Marshall's brother and his family. It was a good time. Friday night we went to a pizza and game place where the kids could burn off some energy. On Saturday we took the kids to the zoo and then grilled out that night. Everyone had a really good time.

Tay's Presentation

Tay did a presentation on a book Possum Magic. Her class presented to several other grades. This is from the day she did the second grade presentation. She did very well. I was impressed how well she can talk in front of a group of other students!

Caleb's Graduation

Tay and Caleb
Tierney drinking punch
Tierney and Tay being silly at the party
Tierney, Cousing Heather, Tay
Aunt Lori and Nana
Grandma Jan, Aunt kim, Nana
Nana and Tierney
Nana, Tierney, Tay
me, Nana, Tierney, Tay, Grandma Jan
Two weekends ago we celebrated my cousin Caleb's graduation. Here are some pictures from the day.

Tierney's Preschool Graduation

Tierney all ready to go to graduation. She was bumped that it was too cold to wear the flip flops she picked to go with her dress!
Tierney pretending to sleep which was part of their song.
Tierney with her graduation certificate.

Ethin, Tay, Tierney

Grandma Thea, Ethin, Tay, Tierney, Grandpa Lewie

Tierney and Ethin being silly after graduation.
Tierney had her preschool graduation a week and a half ago. It is hard to believe that our baby will be going to kindergarten next year. She was so proud of herself. They did a short program and she did a great song singing all of the songs and doing the actions with them!