Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Tomorrow we have a teenager....

How on earth is it possible that tomorrow we have a teenager?  I just cannot get over that.  Tay will be thirteen tomorrow.  WOW!  Where has the time gone.... I can remember the day she was born and the day before when I was in labor all day just like it was yesterday.  I remember the panic Marshall had when it was time to go to the hospital.  We had to bring my dog along and had to stop and put gas in the car in the rain.  I don't think he has ever driven so fast.  I remember the day she came home from the hospital and how my mom drove us home and was so mad because a semi was following us way too close with her new granddaughter in the car.  That all seems like yesterday.  Tay has been such an easy child for us which is probably good since we were so young and clueless when she was born.  She is growing up to be a beautiful young lady.  She wears her heart on her sleeve.  She is a wonderful daughter and a great big sister.  I wish she could stop growing up because I remember what I was like as a teenager and how mean I was to my mom.  Right now I am hoping that she won't be as mean to me as I was to my mom.  Happy 13th Birthday Taylor Anne!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Tierney soccer...

New Hampton decided to join a soccer league beginning this fall.  Marshall and I are not huge soccer fans but feel the girls should try what ever activities interest them.  Tierney was very excited to take part in the league.  She will have six games and they have their first game this morning in New Hampton.  Of course she was up early and ready to go!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Tay 7th Grade Volleyball

I cannot believe how old my baby looks here!


Time sure flies.  It is hard to believe that is almost the middle of September and the girls have almost a month of school under their belts.  School continues to go well for both of them and they are in the full swing of their activities.  Tierney has soccer practice on Mondays and Thursdays and games beginning this Saturday, dance on Tuesdays, and we are working on getting Girl Scouts started for the year.  Right now Tay just has school volleyball Mondays through Thursdays but Sunday she starts a fall UNI volleyball club.  She really seems to enjoy volleyball.  She is also doing Scouts again this year with her first meeting next month.  I must be a crazy woman thinking I can still help with both troops!  We will see how that goes this year with everything.  We are still trying to get somewhat of a routine down with games, practices, homework, etc.

I have just under six weeks left before baby number three joins us!  We have everything ready for her arrival.  She has a new outfit to come home in and Marshall got her carseat in the car in case she decides to arrive early!  I even got all 1400 pictures off of my camera and have the battery charging now so we can get some pictures of her arrival!  I know I haven't posted tons about my pregnancy... but I'm finally ready to.  A couple of months ago I was measuring big but as of last Thursday I am right on.  At the end of July I failed my first glucose test and at the beginning of August I failed my second one and was diagnosed with gestational diabetes.  That was very difficult for me at first and the last month and a half has been quite the adjustment.  I can only have so many carbs per day and have to check my blood sugars.  I have also been meeting with a diabetes specialist who goes over my sugars and what I've been eating.  So far I have been able to manage them with only have a couple days of high sugars.  I have one more meeting with the specialist and that should be it.  I'll have to continue to check my sugars for six weeks after the baby comes and will have to be tested at my six week appointment and after the baby comes but right now I'm just trying to focus on managing the situation now for the baby's sake.  Let's just say the last month and a half has been a roller coaster.  Luckily Marshall has been great.  He has gone shopping to find things I can eat and just been very supportive.  So needless to say I'm pretty sure our baby girl will be here on or before my due date (and not past like I was expecting).  At my appointment last week my doctor thinks she will be between 7 1/2 and 8 pounds.  We are all getting so excited to meet her.  The girls love to feel her kick and Tay got to see her have the hiccups the other day.  I cannot wait to meet her!!