Monday, July 30, 2012

Only three more days....

Last night Tierney informs me "only three more days until we get to pick up Tay".  Yep we dropped her off at camp yesterday afternoon and by bedtime last night Tierney was missing her.  Oh how I wish they would remember that when they are home together and fighting!  Tierney has been a big help with Roscoe since Tay is gone and is stepping in.  I think that's good for both of them since they both miss Tay.  Tonight we are going to go watch Tay's basketball game so at least she gets to see her big sister!  And she said that she got two mom days (mom to herself) and then she gets two dad days since I go to work tomorrow.  She just makes me laugh!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Perkins Cousins 2012

Tierney Softball 2012

Here is Tierney's softball picture for this year.  She is really excited for next year since she gets to travel like her big sister!

Snow Valley Basketball Camp

 Hannah and Tay

 Hannah, Savannah, Tay, Isabel
We just dropped Tay off at Wartburg for a basketball camp.  We pick her up on Wednesday afternoon.  Their schedule looks pretty intense... their day begins at 6am and some aren't done until 10pm.  We are really hoping she learns a lot and have heard really good things about this camp.  Parents are also allowed to go and watch their games at night so we plan to do that one or two nights this week.  I am hoping that seeing us during the week won't let her get homesick this time!  Their rooms are also really nice as they are suites so all four girls are basically in the same room with two separate bedrooms so that should be good too!

University of Iowa Volleyball Camp

 Getting ready to leave for camp.... Tierney isn't too sure about letting her sister leave.

 Making the bed in the dorm.
 roommates... Kaelyn and Tay
 NH Girls... Celena, Kallie, Rachel, Tay, Hannah, Savannah, Kaelyn, Bailey
Rachel and Tay

Tay went to the U of I volleyball camp for three days and two nights in July.  They got to stay in the dorms.  It was quite the experience.  The first night they didn't have power for awhile and Tay said it was gross because everyone was so hot and sweaty.  She seemed to learn a lot and had fun but I think was a little homesick by the last day.  She says she is going back next year.

Christmas in July

My grandma and grandpa do their Christmas celebration in July since they are gone most of the winter.  Here are the girls and cousin Hailey with great grandpa Bill and great grandma Arlene.

Last Day of School

Here is what a soon to be seventh grader and soon to be second grader look like.  Hard to believe how much they have grown in the past year!

Renaissance Fair

This spring the sixth graders put on a Renaissance Fair.  Tay and her friend Kaelyn decided to do candle making.  We spent an entire day making candles.  Nana made them outfits.... they were thrilled to dress up:)


Tay's Girl Scout Troop decided to go for pedicures/manicures in March as a fun activity.  Tierney usually gets to join in on what we are doing and she decided she could get used to that treatment!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

June Ultrasound

Here is a picture from my ultrasound in June.  Isn't she beautiful!

Iowa Volleyball Camp

 Celena, Kallie, Tay, Hannah, Savannah, Kaelyn, Bailey
Rachel and Tay

New Hampton Softball Tournament

Second Place in the NH Tourney.


I am not sure where the time goes.  I always have good intentions of getting on here and posting updates but then seem to run out of time.  I'm not sure where the summer has gone.  The girls head back to school in just over two weeks.  The months of May and June flew by.  Both girls had dance recital at the end of May and Tay had lots of softball in May.  In June Tierney started softball and swimming lessons and Tay continued softball with more games and tournaments.  They had two second places and one third, not bad out of five tournaments.  Tay continued to catch and play second base.  She really enjoys playing second.  I'll have to get pictures posted later (I have a goal to get all the pictures off of my camera before baby number three arrives)!  Tay is currently leaning towards not doing dance next year (she has gone back and forth on this) but Tierney plans to continue.

In June Tay did a TNT 5 basketball program.  She learned some new skills over the six sessions.  She really enjoyed that and it has really made her excited for basketball.  She also did a golf program which she is not too sure about.  She actually said she does not like golf so we think she needs to get out on the course with Uncle Nate a few times and will change her mind.  In mid June she went to the U of I to their Volleyball camp.  This was the first she has stayed in a dorm.  She said she had a lot of fun but was homesick.  Then she came back and did a New Hampton basketball camp and this past week took part in a New Hampton Volleyball camp.  She is working on mastering her overhand serving.  She leaves tomorrow to go to a Snow Valley Basketball camp until Wednesday afternoon.  This one is at Wartburg so we will be able to see her scrimmage at night, so hopefully she won't be homesick.  Tay has also been babysitting the neighbor girl in her free time:)

The girls have also spent quite a bit of time at the pool which they both love.  They also talked us into getting them a trampoline in June.  So they have been working on perfecting their flips.  Uncle Nate is taking them to a waterpark and the zoo at the end of the week and the following week they are going to the Dell's with Grandma Thea and Grandpa Lewie.  Needless to say they have been very busy and are not looking forward to going back to school.  Tay goes back on the 16th and Tierney on the 17th.  Tierney got the teacher she wanted so she is excited about that and Tay is excited to start school sports.  Tierney starts soccer in a few weeks.  This is the first year they will be traveling and playing other teams so that should be interesting!

A quick update on Marshall and I.... I am very pregnant in case you haven't seen me lately.  Today is the first day of my third trimester!!  I feel huge and in the past week had someone ask if we are sure we aren't having twins and someone else ask if we are sure that I'm not due next month.  Yep real nice!  The past few days I have felt miserable.  I am ready for fall and cooler weather.  The baby is moving like crazy and really seems to like to move when Tierney is talking.  Also, if you haven't heard, in June we found out we are having a baby girl.  That is just what Tierney wanted.  She seems to be healthy.  We have been busy getting things ready for her arrival.  Marshall started a new job in June.  He got hired at Deere's and is very happy with the change.  Other than that life is good.  I will try to get pictures posted in the near future!