Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pumpkin Painting

Here are pictures of the girls painting some of their pumpkins yesterday!

Pumpkin Picking

Marshall's dad grows pumpkins and gourds for the grandkids every year. They love love it! Last weekend they got to go and pick out their pumpkins and gourds. Grandpa even grew indian corn this year! Here are pictures of Tay, Tierney, and Ethin getting their pumpkins and gourds.

Grandma Ann's Surprise Party

Tierney and Isaac
Tierney, Isaac, Dylan, Keegan, Brian, Grandma Ann, Eli, Ethin, Evan

Tierney and Ethin with Grandma Ann
This is the surprise party we had for Marshall's grandma's 80th Birthday. Tay was at another party and wasn't able to be there. She was really surprised!


The girls in the school house we toured.
The girls riding back in wagons after we took the pumpkins to the car.
Isabel, Tierney, Hannah, Tay, Marcy
Tierney trying to pick a pumpkin.
Tay trying to pick a pumpkin.

The girls on the wagon ride.
Tierney, Isabel, Callie, Macy, Cassy, Marcy, Hannah, Tay


I had to add this because this is totally Tierney. As you can see she's on the couch with her tray with the remote in one of the side pockets and eating chicken nuggets. She thinks she runs the place!


We have been so busy this past month it has been crazy. I will be uploading pictures from this weekend and last. Last weekend Marshall's mom and I finished a scrapbook that we have been working on since August for Marshall's grandma's 80th birthday. Last Saturday we had a surprise birthday party for her. We also took our Girl Scout troop on a wagon ride and then they got pumpkins. On Sunday last weekend we went to Marshall's parents and the girls got to pick pumpkins and gords. This weekend was our first "down weekend" in months. So the girls attended a birthday party for Hannah's dog and then we put our fall stuff outside and they got to paint some of their pumpkins. I decided painting some of them would be good this year since we have so many! Of course they had to watch the Hawks win last night! Tay started basketball on Thursday which I think she is going to really like this year. Tierney is done with everything right now except for dance... she has been asking about gymnastics again but hopefully we can hold off until the first of the year.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Tierney Fall Soccer

Here is Tierney's fall soccer picture. Marshall and I think it's adorable with her leg up on the ball.


This is a picture Tierney had taken at school. They asked her what sports she is going to do when she grows up and she said "football, volleyball, track and field, and cheerleading". Boy she's going to be busy!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Tay's volleyball picture.


Tierney and Tay with their hair done.
Meg with Tierney and Tay at the hair place.
Our family picture.
Nana with the girls.
Marshall with Grandma Ann.
Meg right before the wedding.

Cousin Evie and Tierney on the bus.

Tierney and Ethin dancing.

Marshall's sister got married this weekend. The past few days have seemed crazy. Thursday we decorated, Friday we had rehearsal and rehearsal dinner, then Saturday the day started with hair appointments at 8am, and ended Sunday with opening gifts and Meg and Desmond's. All of us were in the wedding. Tierney and Ethin were flower girl and ring bear and they did wonderful and Tay was the junior bridesmaid. They both looked beautiful! My mom came over to get a family picture of us with Roscoe before the wedding since everyone was all dressed up! Needless to say I had to take yesterday off to recover... I'm getting old!


The girls all dressed up for homecoming!


Tay is excited for Halloween since I told her Roscoe could go along. She has decided that she will be a witch and Roscoe will be her Spider dog. Here is a picture of him in his costume.


Tay in her new Chickasaw coat with Hailey
Hailey helping Tay with her gifts
Tierney with Tay and her new AG pajamas
It is hard to believe that on September 27th my baby turned 10. It is amazing how fast she is growing up. I wish I could make the clock stop! We celebrated her actual birthday with my family. We had a mellow day watching football since it was on a Sunday!

Tay and Roscoe

Here is a picture of Tay with Roscoe at her birthday party with the Perkins' side.