Saturday, January 28, 2012

This and That...

I have so many pictures to post from the past couple weeks and will hopefully have time to do that tomorrow. This month has been crazy. Marshall has been busy with the wrestling club. Tay has been busy with scouts, dance, AAU volleyball, and AAU basketball. Tierney has been busy with basketball, dance, scouts, and a minipom clinic. For me I am just trying to make sure everyone is where they need to be and help coach Tay's volleyball and still both girls' scout troops. Tierney danced at half time of a basketball game for her minipom. She did a great job and if we can squeeze it in between volleyball tournaments she will perform next month as well. Needless to say when we had a snow day last Friday and this Monday they were very welcome in our house!

Tierney was sick a couple of days this past week. It looks like she is going to have sinus problems just like her mom. I feel so bad that it is starting so young. It was hard for her to stay home two days and miss all of her activities and school. She is so funny... she insisted I eat lunch with her yesterday well when I got to her room her entire class sang happy birthday to me it. It was pretty nice.

I need to get ready for Tay's games today but have to end by sharing some funnies that Tierney said this week... that girl makes me laugh everyday.

On Sunday Marshall had wrestling and the girls and I were going to church. Tierney says "why does dad get to have all the fun and we have to go to church". And yesterday when she got up she says to Marshall "you didn't even get your wife a present on her birthday dude". Oh boy I think he felt bad and said that he was going to go the day before but she was home sick and couldn't leave her by herself. Tierney's come back "I wouldn't be by myself Roscoe is here". Poor guy... I did have beautiful flowers on the table when I got home from school.:)

Monday, January 2, 2012

Christmas at Grandma Thea's and Grandpa Lewie's

We had Christmas with Marshall's parents the Monday after Christmas. The kids love to play all day with their new stuff.

Christmas Day

Tay with baby Cora (Marshall's cousin's little girl). They share the same birthday.
Tierney with cousin Sarah.

Grandma Ann with her daughter's and their husbands.

Grandma Ann with the grandchildren.

Grandma Ann with the great-grandchildren.

The girls with Ethin.

Grandma Ann with the girls and Ethin.

The girls with Grandma Thea and Grandpa Lewie.

Our family with Grandma Ann.

We spent Christmas afternoon and Christmas night at Marshall's grandma's house. We got to go over early and help her get things ready and had dinner with her.

Christmas Morning

Roscoe with his new toy and coat.

The girls exchanging their gifts to each other.

Christmas morning we spent at home. We had told Tierney she couldn't get out of her bed until seven. At exactly seven she was in waking us up. I love how excited she is during the Christmas season.

Christmas Eve

We spent Christmas Eve at my parents' house... here are some pictures from the day.
The girls in their new hats.

Trying out the new bean bags.

Grandpa Bud came over for the afternoon. Here is a picture of the girls with him before we went to Christmas Eve service.

The girls with Nana and Papa.

Papa loves to squirt whipped cream in the girls' mouths.

Making homemade Christmas ornaments.

Making Christmas Cookies

Since Tierney was sick right before Christmas she didn't get to help with most of the baking and that is something she loves to do. So I had made up the sugar cookies and saved the frosting for her when she felt better. It's amazing how much more time she spent on them this year. She wanted to make sure they were just right!

Tierney's School Christmas Party

I was lucky enough to get to spend some time with Tierney and her class the day of their Christmas party and gift exchange. They were all very excited for Christmas!