Monday, July 26, 2010

Uncle Nate's Birthday

Tierney, Nate, Tay, Hailey
Marshall and Tay fishing
Tay with one of the many fish she caught.
Hailey, Tierney, Nana
We went to my parents' house on Sunday to celebrate Nate's birthday. We went for pizza and then went back to their house where the kids fished and went in the paddle boat. Tay caught more fish than anyone and had to rub it in to Uncle Nate!

Water Park

We took the girls to the water park in Waterloo on Friday. We thought we were going to get rained out but it ended up being a perfect day. Not a lot of people were there and we didn't have to wait for any of the slides. Tierney was even able to go on a lot of different slides as long as one of us went with her. We were the first people in line when they opened up and didn't leave until they closed. It was a perfect day.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Fourth of July

Ethin and Tierney with sparklers
Hailey with her sparkler

Tay with her sparklers
Tierney with her sparkler

The plan was to tailgate in Spillville yesterday before the fireworks but we had a change of plans due to the rain. We ended up going to Marshall's parents' and grilling there with his family. Then we headed to Spillville when the rain let up. We were lucky enough to get a spot by my brother. All the kids got to do sparklers and poppers before the fireworks. Luckily there was only a very light sprinkle during the fireworks.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Softball 2010

I can't believe that the softball season is over. We had our last game on Wednesday night and won both. Overall our team did very well we only lost three games and won thirteen. It was a really fun season. A lot of girls that couldn't get any hits at the beginning of the year were hitting at the last couple of games. I think Marshall had more fun coaching that he thought it would be and we didn't kill each other coaching together!

Swimming in Cedar Falls

The girls have been loving the pool this year. We got a pass to the New Hampton pool and they go everyday that they can find someone to take them. For something different I took them swimming at the Aquatic Center in Cedar Falls on Tuesday. They had a ton of fun. Tierney is getting to be a good little swimmer and Tay can't get enough of the diving boards.

Tierney Softball Picture 2010

Father's Day with Grandpa Lewie

Tay, Ethin, Grandpa, Tierney

We celebrated a late Father's Day with Grandpa Lewie last weekend. We didn't get many pictures taken. I love the goofy one with grandpa and the kids.


Hailey and Tierney
Look for this one as a Christmas Card. Hailey, Papa, Tay, Nana, Nate, Tierney.
Hailey, Tay, Tierney

Nate, Tay, and Papa on the bumper cars

Tay had to ride alone on the tilt a whirl... the rest of us thought we'd get sick if we rode.

The girls and I went to the fair last week with Nate, Hailey, Nana, and Papa. The girls had a blast especially Tierney and Hailey. They had to do the bouncy house twice. Tay even got to play bingo with Nana.

Father's Day with Papa

Tay, Hailey, Papa, Tierney

Tay, Nana, Hailey, Papa, Tierney

Here are some pictures from Father's Day with Papa. We had plans to go fishing at their pond but it ended up raining so we ended up just grilling and hanging out inside.