Monday, November 12, 2012

Four Weeks...

How is it even possible that Harper is four weeks old today?  Time is flying by.  I keep thinking I should get on here and post some updates but I've been so busy enjoying my new girl that I haven't made the time.  Harper is a wonderful little girl.  For the most part she only gets up twice at night which is really nice.  She is taking after her big sister, Tierney though and not liking to sleep in her bed.  Her preference is to sleep in her bouncy seat which I'm not fighting right now!  Marshall and I feel like new parents all over again since it has been so long since we have had a baby.  So it took us some getting used to with getting ready to leave the house, giving baths, etc. but I think we have the hang of it now!  The girls are loving their new sister as well.  They both love to help and Tierney was so excited that she got to change her first diaper last night!

I'm not sure if I posted this before so I am going to again so I have it!  Harper weighed seven pounds and seven ounces when she was born and was 20.5 inches long.  At discharge the next day she weighed seven pounds and three ounces.  Because we left the hospital early we had to go back two days later for a newborn assessment and she weighed 6lbs 14oz.  She was sleeping quit a bit so we began waking her up to eat every three hours during the day.  At her two week appointment on October 29th she was up to 7pounds and 13ounces!  The funny thing is they had her length at only twenty inches so we aren't sure who measured wrong!  Harper's first smile when we talk to her was November 10th and it was to me!  This past weekend she also figured out that when she hits some of the items hanging from her gym that they move!

Harper still sleeps quit a bit but when she is awake she has the most amazing blue eyes!  Here are some pictures from the day she was born and since!

 Proud big sister.  She wasn't too sure about being a big sister but has really started to enjoy it!
 Leaving the hospital.
 The day Harper was born.

Harper's first walk!

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