Sunday, December 7, 2008

Merry Christmas!

The girls and I went shopping yesterday with Ethin and Megan. We saw a side of Tierney that I haven't seen before. She was telling people Merry Christmas, giving people fives, telling them that she is four and she is going to have her number five and number six birthday at the Super 8, holding the door for people (pretty funny seeing a four year old holding the door open for adults but boy was she proud when they told her thank you), and telling people that her name is Tierney and then spelling it for them. I just couldn't believe it normally she is so shy and won't talk to people even if they talk to her. Then today I had to run and get groceries so she came along to push the little cart at Joe's and was again telling people that she is four and even gave a guy a five there. Maybe she's coming out of her shell... better watch out!

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