Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas, etc.

Ben, Tay, Evie, Tierney, Ethin
It has been a busy last week. We were supposed to go get pictures taken with the cousins on Saturday then go to Chuckee Cheese and then to Marshall's grandma's for Christmas. Well it was icy when we were supposed to leave to go to Waterloo so we ended up having Christmas with Marshall's parents on Saturday and then went to his grandma's on Sunday. Due to having to make those changes we didn't make it for pictures or to Chuckee Cheese (of course Miss Tierney was the only one who remembered we didn't go to Chuckee Cheese and had a hard time understanding why). It was a really nice weekend. We were very tired.
Then Monday the girls went to my mom's and I went wedding dress shopping with Megan and Marshall's mom. Meg found a dress and picked out the bridesmaids dresses, Tierney's flower girl dress, and Tay's junior bridesmaid dress. They are all really pretty. The girls are so excited for the wedding and want to get their dresses now. We are holding off as long as possible on their dresses in case they have a growth spurt especially since the wedding isn't until October. Tuesday the girls and I spent the day in our pj's and watched movies. It was nice to relax! Today we took down the Christmas stuff (Tierney wanted to leave it up all year). Then the girls and I went to the library and are going to rest so they can try to make the ball drop tonight!

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