Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Fancy Nancy Birthday Party

Tierney with her new Fancy Nancy doll!
Grandma Thea, Tierney, and Nana all fancy at the party!
Tierney with cousins Ethin and Haily.
Tierney, Grandma Ann, Tay ready for the party.
Tierney, Marshall, and Tay ready for the party.
Tierney with her Fancy cake.
Geez I am really slow getting these on here. I haven't been feeling well so I just haven't taken the time to get them on our site. Tierney's party was a success. She looked like a little doll in her dress and all of her guests were dressed up. She really had fun and was so excited all day! Now we are counting down until her actual birthday (only four more days). I had scheduled her to have her pictures taken this past Saturday but cancelled so she could bring her Fancy Nancy doll to the pictures so hopefully we can get that done in the next week. It is hard to believe our baby is going to be four! It seems like we just brought her home and she was in the back seat screaming the whole way home.

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