Monday, January 5, 2009

Where did the time go?

It is hard to believe that Christmas and Christmas Vacation are over. Unfortunately I had to go back to work this morning. It was very hard to get up this morning and go. Tay's school ended up getting cancelled so she had another day off (good thing that happened after I went to work otherwise I would have had to take another day). We had such a nice vacation. We got to spend a lot of time together just the four of us which doesn't happen a lot and had several days where we didn't have to do any running which was nice. Today Tay slept in until eleven... she even went to bed at a decent time. They already have a late start tomorrow so hopefully she will get to bed early and be ready to go. She says she isn't ready to go back and I know Tierney is going to miss having her gone all day again.

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