Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Patrick's Day

Tay and Tierney frosting the extra four leaf clovers we made for Tierney's preschool.
Tierney in her St. Patrick's Day hat.
The girls ready for school in their St. Patrick's day shirts.
Tierney loves any holiday. We had to go shopping for shirts for school today. Then they were supposed to bring something green for show and tell. Well guess what she picked sugar cookies. So her and Marshall went and bought a four leaf clover cut out. Then I made the cookies and luckily Marshall helped frost them since we needed 27! It was a hit at school. She was so excited for school today. It is the first day that we let her go on a late start and stay until the end of the day. On these days we normally keep her home. So between the holiday and getting to go to school for most of a day she was really excited. I have to say that our house was so quiet today. With both the girls at school and Marshall sleeping it was painfully quiet!

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