Friday, July 15, 2011


Taylor had her surgery yesterday to remove the tooth that won't come in. When we had the initial meeting the surgeon warned us that it was going to be difficult to get so we were prepared for it to be bad. Well I don't think I was prepared enough. They wouldn't let me stay in when they did her iv and I felt terrible about that since she was so nervous. After about forty-five minutes they got me for the surgeon to talk to me. He said that it was even harder to get than anticipated and he had to take a little bone. She has stitches around three of her teeth. I think I was still okay until they pushed her out in the wheelchair. Tierney and I both could hardly keep back the tears. I have decided I do not handle it well when my girls are in pain or uncomfortable. Needless to say Tay cried the whole way home from Mason City and I wasn't much better. It was terrible to see her in so much pain. Yesterday was very emotionally draining! She is only able to eat ice cream, yogurt, applesauce and things in that realm right now and hopefully by Sunday can upgrade to some eggs and other softer foods. She can't eat anything she has to really chew for about seven days. We have been staying on top of her pain meds and giving them to her every four hours which has helped. I also have to say her little sister has been wonderful. She is getting drinks for Tay and waiting on her.

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