Monday, August 13, 2012

Where has the summer gone...

I cannot believe that summer is just about over.  Tay starts school on Thursday and Tierney starts on Friday.  It seems like they just got out of school.  They have both been so busy with activities and then went on a couple day trip to the zoo and Mall of America with my brother and last week were gone three days with Marshall's parents to the Dells.  We spent this past weekend spending some quality time together before they get busy again.  Saturday we went to the pool for about an hour then went on a picnic and Tay worked with Tierney on her soccer (since that starts in two weeks).  Yesterday we ditched church and went to the new Diary of a Wimpy Kid movie.  Then we headed to Waterloo and bought some stuff for Tay's locker and had ice cream.  Last night we got Tierney's supplies labeled (she has been on me to do this for a couple of weeks but the label maker needed new labels).  I'm not sure what's on the next few days agenda.  We need to get a routine going again but I don't think any of us are ready for that!

I do have to share that last week during church my little Tierney looked at Tay did a fake yawn and patted her mouth.  Oh that child.... how can you not laugh but that was  so naughty!  After church she then informed me that summer is not for church or learning.... real nice. 

Also, a quick baby update.  I am down to going to the doctor every two weeks.  I'm not sure how that is possible.  In less than ten weeks we should be home with our little angel!  The girls are so excited.  We have been picking out clothes and other fun stuff for her.  She will be here sooner than we know it!

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