Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Always Something...

The past twenty-four hours have been crazy! I got home from work yesterday to find Taylor coughing like crazy. They had been at the park all day in the damp weather and her asthma was all flared up. So I knew no one would get much sleep since her coughing keeps us all up. When I finally got them both settled down and sleeping and got to sleep myself Tierney woke up crying that her ear hurt. Well Marshall and I spent most the night up with her. She was in pain and Tylenol wasn't working. So this morning Tay was sure she had to go to school for their talent show and because she has a ballgame tonight. She looks terrible with bags under her eyes but hey they only have today and tomorrow left of school so who am I to argue with her. I then call the doctor who can't get Tierney in until 1:30 so I decide I would work at home this morning. Then I come to find out I left the paperwork I needed at the office so I had to go in anyway and then meet Marshall halfway so I can take Tierney to the doctor who now seems fine. Well she has double ear infection. Both of her tubes are no longer doing any good. Her right ear is really bad. I am hoping we won't have to do the tubes again since she had trouble with the anesthesia after her tonsils and adenoids came out... but I am afraid this is not a good sign. Needless to say it has been a very LONG twenty-four hours and we have a ballgame still tonight plus work is very crazy right now! I am hoping tonight will go much better we should have two doses of antibiotic in Tierney and hopefully can get a nebulizer done for Tay with some cough syrup so we can all sleep tonight!!

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