Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

We had a really nice day today. We didn't go anywhere but just stayed home and hung out together. That doesn't happen a ton around here unless there is football on. Tay made me a really nice scrapbook and gave me a cup with flower seeds (hopefully we can get them to grow). They all got me a really cool planter for flowers. We were going to do our planing today but there is a chance of frost tonight so we decided to wait (Tay is having a fit that we have all the flowers and they are in the garage not planted). Tierney made me a flower with her picture in the middle and each of the petals say something nice (see below).

I like when my mom.....

plays games with me
tucks me in
takes care of me when I'm sick
buys me treats (Tay thought that was terrible to put on there)
reads books to me
helps me pick up my toys
snuggles with me
buys me stuff (again Tay thought that was terrible)
makes me supper (Tay and Marshall laughed at that since they don't think I cook)

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