Sunday, July 24, 2011

Spa Day

Today we did a "spa". Tierney thinks it was complete since we didn't have mud baths:) but she will have to live! Besides she thought the face mask was itchy I'm not sure how she would have done with mud on her body!

Tay's Hair



Tay asked last night if she could have a purple or red stripe put in her hair. Purple was her first choice but we couldn't find the color she wanted so she went with Chickasaw red. It's only supposed to stay in for six weeks... we will see with as blonde as her hair is!

Christmas in July

Cousins Xander, Trevor, Star and Tierney

Cousin Jayden and Tierney

We celebrated an early Christmas at my grandma and grandpa Hollar's last weekend. Marshall, Tay, and I didn't stay real long due to Tay not feeling well with her tooth. Tierney stayed all day with Nana and Papa and had a blast playing with her cousins.

Friday, July 15, 2011


Taylor had her surgery yesterday to remove the tooth that won't come in. When we had the initial meeting the surgeon warned us that it was going to be difficult to get so we were prepared for it to be bad. Well I don't think I was prepared enough. They wouldn't let me stay in when they did her iv and I felt terrible about that since she was so nervous. After about forty-five minutes they got me for the surgeon to talk to me. He said that it was even harder to get than anticipated and he had to take a little bone. She has stitches around three of her teeth. I think I was still okay until they pushed her out in the wheelchair. Tierney and I both could hardly keep back the tears. I have decided I do not handle it well when my girls are in pain or uncomfortable. Needless to say Tay cried the whole way home from Mason City and I wasn't much better. It was terrible to see her in so much pain. Yesterday was very emotionally draining! She is only able to eat ice cream, yogurt, applesauce and things in that realm right now and hopefully by Sunday can upgrade to some eggs and other softer foods. She can't eat anything she has to really chew for about seven days. We have been staying on top of her pain meds and giving them to her every four hours which has helped. I also have to say her little sister has been wonderful. She is getting drinks for Tay and waiting on her.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Fourth of July

Tay, Grandma Thea, Grandpa Lewie, Tierney, Ethin (should have used the flash in this picture)!
Tierney and Ethin throwing snaps.

My favorite picture of Tierney!

Tay, Ethin, and Tierney waiting for fireworks.

We went to Spillville on the fourth. We grilled while we waited for the fireworks. Grandma and Grandpa brought sparklers and snaps for the kids which of course they loved!

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Evie, Ethin, Tay, Ben, Tierney

Our niece and nephew were her from Milwaukee this past month so we were able to get some pictures taken! The kids did great and the pictures turned out great.


I had to put this on here of Tierney and our neighbor Judy. As I've written about before Tierney loves Judy. Well Judy has had her house for sale and it sold. She moved last Friday and Tierney is very sad. We do have her new address and phone number but Tierney had a lot of tears about her moving. Our new neighbors have moved in and they have a little girl that is in preschool and Tierney does like her so hopefully this will help.

Tierney Softball

Tierney played ball again this summer. She likes ball almost as much as her sister. She is so funny... she knows more rules than a kid her age should. She has spent a lot of time at the ball park with her sister this year and thinks she knows it all about ball. She did a great job batting this year and fielding. She is so hard on herself and told me after one of her scrimmages that she wasn't always down and ready so she was mad at herself. She is so funny! Oh and I have the cutest picture of her that was taken when they had ball pictures but she told me not to put it on her or Facebook because she looks like a dork... so I better not!

Tay Tournament Softball

The girls with their first place medals in the New Hampton tournament. Our teams took first and second place that day!
Tay with her first place medal.

Our entire tournament team.

The girls getting pumped up for their game.

Tay decided to do the tournament softball team this year. We tried to get her to last year but she didn't want to. This year it was all her idea. We had a total of twenty girls on our team and for most of the tournaments divided into two teams. Tay loved every minute of it and is very sad that the season is over. She is even wanting to work on batting still but her dad told her she has to take at least two weeks off (I think he needs a little break)!

Tay Parks and Rec Softball

Our end of the year party.
End of the year picture.

Softball is a big part of why I have not gotten anything posted on here forever! Marshall and I with Lena coached Tay's parks and rec softball team. Marshall and I also helped coach the tournament team Tay played on this year. Needless to say we had ball five days a week. Tay loved ball this year and had a great time.


At times the girls fight quite a bit due to the age difference. Tierney is also very strong willed and wants things her way and thinks she should be able to boss her big sister around (which as you can imagine does not go over well). But then there are times like this when I walk in and the girls are reading together... Tierney has taken such a strong interest in reading because her big sister does. Tay does a great job helping Tierney read when there are bigger words. It's too bad they don't like each other all the time!

Mother's/Father's Day

The Mother's Day Drawing the girls made for me.

We celebrated Mother's and Father's Day together with Marshall's family on the same day. It's hard to get everyone together on the same day with everyone's schedules let alone twice in a month!

Dance Recital 2011

The girls and moms from New Hampton in Tay's class.

Tierney with Evan.

Tierney, Ethin, Tay

Tay with Grandpa Bud

Tierney with PJ

Rachel with Tierney

Tay with the other girls from New Hampton

Macy and Tay

Tierney eating grapes

the girls with grandma Thea and grandpa Lewie

Emma and Tierney