Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Dads and other stuff

So Tierney amazes me everyday. Taylor is at her friend Grace's tonight which left Tierney and I eating dinner together which is always interesting. She and I are both snackers rather than having meals unlike Marshall and Tay. We settled on mac and cheese and granola bars tonight. With such an elegant dinner Tierney informs me that I need to eat with my pinkie up (you know so we can be fancy). Then she starts talking about dads and that Grace has a dad. So I tell her that everyone has a dad and she informs me "not Grandma Ann" (you must know that Tierney is very focused on Grandma Ann since she has been spending a lot of time with us due to the flooding at her house). So she was very confused that Grandma Ann would have a dad and needed to know where he was. I tried explaining that he is in heaven which I think confused her even more... I think we need to be spending more time at church. So I try answering all of her heaven questions and then get up to go to the kitchen and she beats me to the doorway and tells me I have to say habre before I can go through... I think I should have taken more spanish in school because it is pretty bad when I have to ask my three year old what that means and she very confidently tells me "it's open in spanish". Our little girl is growing up so fast and it is amazing the things that come out of her mouth everyday!!

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