Thursday, July 3, 2008

Rabbits, Bugs, and Cookies

Lets begin with the rabbits... Grandpa Lewie can never say no to Tay. He was over a few weeks ago shortly after the neighbor's rabbit had babies. Tay had asked him to go outside to see them. Well she headed out and Grandpa tells Thea and I that he better not go. We asked why and he said because he knew Tay would be asking for one and he wouldn't be able to say no. Well Grandpa ended up going outside and guess what Tay is getting another rabbit. She talked to our neighbor and she can get it next week. So she had to call Grandpa right after she came in and Grandpa has just finished the new cage for Fluffy!

Now for the bugs. I wanted to go to Decorah tonight but the girls insisted that we stay home and make cookies. (They think if we go tomorrow that their dad will let them get a new fish since ours died). So I agreed and then discovered that we were out of chocolate chips. Well on our way out to the garage Tay began screaming about a bug. Lets be honest I probably hate bugs more than her and as I was killing it I decided that I am really tired of Marshall being on second shift because I am not a bug killer. Oh and have I mentioned that I hate cooking supper every night! It will be a year in September since he moved to second but it seems like forever!

And now for the cookies. As you can see Tierney had to get all decked out in her hat and apron to make cookies. They had a blast. I think they like to make them when Marshall is gone because I let them eat the cookie dough and that drives him nuts that we eat it by the spoonful. Hey why make cookies if you can't eat the dough?!

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