Saturday, July 26, 2008

What a week....

It has been a really long week again. Marshall and I started re-doing the girls' room. Needless to say our house is all tore up because we had to get everything out of their room and bring it downstairs. It is so funny how kids won't touch things forever but when you are getting ready to pack them up they play with them like crazy. Then in the meantime Marshall's grandmother's house got ready to paint sooner than we thought so we were there painting last night and all day today. Tonight we are going to work on the girls' room more because I am going crazy with all of the chaos in my life right now. Needless to say this has all taken place after a bad week at work. I spent a lot of my time this week painting at work also since we would like to get into our office again! Marshall is off on Monday so I am hoping that we can get the girls' room done by the end of the day on Monday (Tay told us we wouldn't have it done before school started so we are motivated to prove her wrong)! Marshall did remind me that we aren't putting half of the things back in their room and that they will be all over the house until I get them sorted (which is depressing).

I am also sad because school starts to soon... registration is in a little over a week and we will have a third grader. I have also enjoyed our less busy schedules for the summer and I know once September hits our evenings will be jammed packed. The girls are both signed up for dance again (Tierney cannot wait to go again), Tay is signed up for volleyball and soccer, and Tierney is signed up for gymnastics. We did all of that on Friday. I think Tay is giving up Girl Scouts which will help with our schedules some. I am also depressed because my sweet little Tay is getting closer to a preteen and we have really noticed lately. Our children are growing up so fast and I am not sure where all of the time is going!

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