Friday, October 10, 2008

Ear Update and Tay Update

I took Tierney to the doctor this morning. They looked at her ears and all of the fluid is gone!! So we are going to cross our fingers and hope she doesn't get any more ear infections. If she does we will do tubes but for now we are going to hold off! They also took another urine sample and her bladder infection is gone. They said that she may now be used to going more frequently and that may be the reason she is going so much. We are keeping the appointment with the urologist for now that isn't scheduled until next Friday so if the first part of next week is better we will go ahead and cancel the appointment. So we had very good news today and she seems much happier now the doctor told her she is all better (mom and dad must not know enough to believe them).

As for Tay she hasn't gotten sick again and had some muffins an hour ago and so far so good (that is the first she has eaten since last night). She thinks we are being mean to her by making her only eat a little at a time and not letting her eat whatever she wants but to bad! She also has some color back in her face so that is good news!

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