Thursday, October 2, 2008


My poor Tierney has had a rough week. She has been going the bathroom constantly. It is insane. She was saying she had to go quite a bit on our drive to and from Minnesota but I thought she just was wanting out of her carseat. Well I was wrong... at preschool today she went eight times in two and a half hours. So I called the doctor again and we have been writing down everytime she goes and it has been a lot. She has an appointment tomorrow morning. I'm not sure what they will do if it's an infection since she is alreay on antibiotics. She came out of dance halfway through tonight crying because she had to go to bathroom and then wouldn't go back in so we came home early (but still had to go to Tay's Volleyball recognition night). I feel so bad for her and she keeps telling me to take good care of her.

The nights are getting long again. I think I am overly tired and very stressed. We are training two new people at work plus trying to get all of the other stuff done so I am very overwhelmed at work. Missing two days of work this week probably hasn't helped with that feeling either. My house is chaos right now and I am feeling very unorganized at home. I just need a weekend or two where we have absolutely nothing going on.... hmm that probably won't happen until Christmas Vacation!!

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