Thursday, October 16, 2008

More crying...

Once again Tierney did not want to go to preschool this morning. Luckily it wasn't as bad as Tuesday and she got there on time. Then at dance tonight she was clinging to me and started to cry when I left her. Apparently she was still crying after I left the room but stopped once she found out it was her turn to be one of the line leaders. When you are a line leader at dance you get to wear a fancy skirt! I was talking to another mom at dance who said her daughter went through a phase where she cried every time they left her (the entire year of preschool). I am hoping that this will pass much quicker than that but we will see. I'm glad that she likes her family so well but I always feel so bad when she doesn't want to stay or go places. Tuesday is the next time we have to leave her somewhere and that would be for school and it is picture day so lets hope we don't cry that day or our pictures won't be real great!

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