Saturday, October 4, 2008

"I didn't Know"

Oh my, Miss Tierney has been a bear today. You can tell she doesn't feel well. We were supposed to go to a wedding but I decided to stay home with her so she could rest. Especially since I am sure all of our running doesn't help with her recovery. We sent Marshall and Tay to help my dad cater tonight. When they left I finally was able to get her to take a nap. She only slept an hour and then cried for quite awhile after she got up. I needed to go to the store to get a few things and was debating about waiting for Marshall to get home and then go or just get it over with. Well Tierney wanted some cookies and we didn't have any so she told me to go to the store and leave her home alone since she didn't want to go. I had to remind her I would go to jail if I did that and she finally agreed to go. She actually did pretty well at the store. Well when we got home and I was bringing the groceries in she told me "I didn't know I could go to the store when I'm sick". Geez that made me feel real good. I had to confess to her that she really shouldn't and that she only had to go because her dad was gone. The things she thinks of!

On another note she can now tell us how to spell her name and can spell the word home to us. She isn't quite able to write all of the letters in the words but is close. I'm pretty impressed!

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