Monday, August 11, 2008


Can anything ever go smoothly? I woke up yesterday morning and went to get Tierney some milk.... well when I poured it there was ice in the milk. So I started checking out the fridge and noticed many other items were slightly frozen. I then decided to get Marshall up who was sure that the fridge door was left open over night but turned the fridge temperature up. Needless to say last night things were freezing more. Marshall's dad came to the conclusion that we most likely have a freon leak and would be better off purchasing a new fridge. We went fridge shopping today and of course the one I want they don't have in stock and can't get it until Thursday. Luckily they are being nice enough to bring us a fridge to borrow until then. So now the house is all tore up so they can deliver the loaner fridge and take the old one. I am trying to be positive but everything will be tore up again on Thursday when they have to switch them again. I also feel like work is chaotic.... we got moved back into our office and are trying to get things in their places but since then one of the girls has left so now we have her work to also do until we get someone hired (oh and we haven't even started interviewing). And school starts a week from Wednesday. I am feeling very overwhelmed at home and work!

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