Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Cousins Jade and Kaitlynn with Tay and Tierney
Kaitlynn and Tay
Tierney with her apple
A couple of weeks ago we went to my grandma's house to see my cousins' kids Kaitlynn and Jade. I forgot my camera since we were in a hurry getting over there. Thankfully my cousin Katie sent these pictures. The girls only get to see Kaitlynn a couple of times a year at the most since she lives in Florida. Tay looks forward to her visit every year and it never seems like she is here long enough. She tried getting in our car to come home with us this year. They always have so much fun together. All the girls played dress up in my grandmothers' old dresses and had a blast. When it cooled off they went outside to climb trees and pick things out of grandma and grandpa's garden. As you can see Tierney's favorite are the apples. She has loved apples ever since her cousin Ethin shared his with her!

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