Friday, August 22, 2008

Routines, Balance, and Tierney

Well we have three days done of this school year and I am struggling with getting all of us in a routine again. It is hard to get everyone home, fed, showered, and in bed on time so we aren't unbearable the next day. I think this has been the worst year so far... I'm guessing it is because I was home all summer and got off my regular schedule and I am still struggling with getting back into that routine. Tay is at least taking a little more independence with getting her clothes picked out but still wants my help with shoes... this morning I forgot to lay out shoes and got a call at work (what's wrong with me for forgetting that!). Tay is also into accessories this year which takes longer. Next week is our first full week and the only week we have before all of our activities start which will be even more important for us to be in a routine. We got our fridge last night so Tierney and I went to get groceries so we can cook again... I think that will help some!

Oh yes and Tay is already spending the night at a friends house. Tierney and I picked them up after school and then they went to the friends' house around five. It is hard to let her spend the night somewhere because it seems like we don't get a ton of time together. But I will get her in the morning so we can have all day tomorrow as a family. It is hard to balance all of that so we can all spend time together especially with Marshall's work schedule. We are all counting down for football season (Marshall gets the NFL season ticket and super fan packages) so that is our excuse to stay home together all season at least on Sundays.

With Tay being gone that left Tierney and I to have so quality time together. She keeps saying "just me and you are hanging out". We had to eat with our pinkies up at supper so we were fancy like Fancy Nancy. She is still freaking out about anything that flies. We have a fly in the house (since she left the back door open) and she was crying that and running to hide because she thought there was a wasp in the house. At least she didn't say she wouldn't go outside today so hopefully in a week or so we will be over being afraid of flying bugs. She has also reported that she needs to sleep with me tonight since Tay is gone and she can't sleep all by herself in her room (Marshall will love that when he gets home).

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