Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First Day of Preschool

Tierney all ready for her first day of preschool
Tierney and Tay before Tierney starts school
Tierney in front of her school sign (she looks so tiny)
Tierney trying to reach the hook to hang up her bag
Today my baby started her first day of preschool.... she did go half of last year but this is her first whole year. She seems so small (she couldn't even reach the hook to hang up her bag). She was so excited this morning. I got up early to make her muffins for her first day and she came downstairs shortly after I got up and was talking about her first day. We had ordered her a pretty dress to wear... Tierney had picked it out. The sleeves were supposed to be 3/4 but when it came it was long sleeves on her... She is so petite. So she settled on the skirt with a short sleeved shirt. She looked so grown up but so small. She even helped a little boy right away turn on the water to wash his hands. She is such a sweetie. Last year she struggled when it was time to go home when they were playing outside so this morning Marshall and I were talking to her about coming home nice. Well I had a meeting and only got to go with to take her to school so Marshall was on his own to pick her up. As soon as I got home tonight she told me that she left nice. She called me a work today and told me all about her project... she was so proud of herself. It is so hard to believe that she is almost four!

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